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Baths and was called the swimming carnival, would have been better named
      “The Rout” since Oxley managed to make a clean sweep of the four boys'
      championships and finished by winning by a great margin. Kennedy, however,
      came a close last to Mitchell. Our main aspiring swimmers were S. McDonald,
      G. King, and G. Hurren in the boys and D. Cohen, Y. Gartside, and L. and
      B. McQuillan in the girls.
           There have been no inter-house football or cricket matches so far
      this year, although points were allotted for representatives in school teams
      and for players available for house matches. When these points were tallied
      we saw that Kennedy was second to Mitchell.
           In the inter-house soccer we filled second place but were close on
      Oxley's heels. In the inter-school tennis our boys were represented by
      L. Surman and T. Grant. Both of these players were in the B grade team
      and acquitted themselves well. Our girls were represented in the inter
      school tennis teams by Phyllis Hargreaves, Geraldine Thompson and Bever
      ley Gunderson. These three players plus Dianne Caroll formed the victorious
      team in the inter-house competition.
           Cunningham won the inter-house hockey and Kennedy was once again
      in second place. In the men's basketball competition, however, our team
      could only manage third place. The girls' basketball teams acquitted them
      selves very well in the house competition.
           The major sporting event of the year, the Inter-House Athletics
      Carnival, was won by Oxley with 396 points. Kennedy was second with
      366 points. In the boys tinder 15 divisions J. Jocumsen shared the cham
      pionship with L. Weston of Oxley, while in the under 14 section D. Fair
      weather and D. Smith shared the championship with G. Cordwell of
      Mitchell. The girls also did well in the championship events with B.
      McQuillan gaining the under 14 championship. S. Cordwell won the Jennings
      Trophy for the 75 yards sprint. Other honourables who acquitted them
      selves well were P. Barr, G. Gould. D. Ament and D. Davis in the boys
      and K. Rice, G. Patterson, J. Robertson and D. Rosikis in the girls.
           In our "Annual Expedition” through the wilds of Manly-Lota we
      managed second place in the total points. D. Davis was our star runner
      and he came second to R. Sands of Oxley.
           In conclusion, we would like to thank Miss Nixon and Mr. Baker-
      Finch and all other staff members who worked so hard to make these
      sports carnivals a success.

      HOUSE MASTER: Mr. O’Mara.
      HOUSE MISTRESS: Miss McClanachan.
      HOUSE CAPTAINS: Pain Clark, Neel Edser.
                    "He that wrestles with us strengthens
                    our nerves and sharpens our skill — our
                    antagonist is our helper.”
           Although Mitchell did not succeed in winning any of the inter-house
      carnivals, let it not be said that this was due to lack of effort.
           Mitchell House thrashed into third place in the inter-house swimming
      carnival. The Open and Under 14 Championships were won by Pam and
      Bev. Clark, respectively. L. Ackworth kept the Mitchell boys in the picture
      by winning the Under 15 Backstroke Championship, and J. Bramley com
      peted in a number of open events.
           No inter-house rugby league or cricket competitions were held this
      year, but points were given for those in the House who played representa
      tive football. Mitchell was quite strong in this field, with representatives
      in the "A", and weight teams.
           Mitchell girls came third to Kennedy and Cunningham in the inter-
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