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March 1st: ‘•Brethren in Christ, and well beloved.” — Charles Wesley.
             First combined boys’ and girls’ Crusader meeting.
             “In these days half our diseases come from neglect of the body in
           overwork of the brain.” — Lytton.
             Teacher Trainees go for medical check-ups, hoping they have not
           suffered physically through “Junior Brain-Overwork.”
      March 3rd: "Wherever there is music, there is a throng of listeners.”   — Bryant.
             The City Hall was packed with High School students for the
           concert given in their honour, by the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.
      March 21st: “Not one of all the purple host
                 Who took the flag today
                 Can tell the definition
                 So clear of victory . . — Dickinson.
             Oxley’s purple flag was steeped in glory when they won the inter
           house swimming carnival.
      March 25th: “With a swimmer’s stroke I flung the billows back from my
           drenched hair.” — Byron.
             Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival — Our team were worthy repre
           sentatives of the School, but were not very successful. However,
           “defeat” is the stuff of which victories are made in due time.
      March 26th: “Although strength should fail, the effort will .deserve praise.”
             G. P. S. Girls’ Swimming Carnival—our team managed to gain
           0 points.
      April 4th: “The gymnasium of running, walking on stilts, climbing, etc.,
           steels and makes hardy single powers and muscles.” — Richter.
             Miss Hawkins and Mr. Mayfield return to instruct in physical
      April 7th: “Oh, rare the headpiece, if but brains were there!” — Pheedrus.
             We al] realized how useful brains would be, when First Term
           examination commenced.
      April 19th: “It is the first of all problems—for a man to find out what
           kind of work he is to do in this universe.” — Carlyle.
             Students visit the Job Information Display at the Wynnum R.S.L.
      April 20th: “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerve and sharpens
           our skill—Our antagonist is our helper.” — Burke.
             The girls of the School have an inter-house sports meet. Boys’
           hockey team go away to play their first match.
      April 22nd: “Praise we that wise and brave and strong.
                 Who graced their generation;
                 Who bellied the right, and fought the wrong,
                 And made our folk a nation.” — Tarrant.
             The men of Anzac were remembered by our students at our own
           School Anzac Service. The guest speaker was Colonel Walsh who
           stressed that: “Courage, comradeship, and a sense of humour, were
           three important traits of character of the good soldier and of the
           good citizen.”
      April 30th: “And beautiful maidens moved down in the dance,
                With the magic of motion and sunshine of glance.” — Whittier.
           First term social.
      May 9th: “The atheist may try to take away your devotedess to God, but
           he cannot offer you anything to take its place.”
             — One of the Ret. A. Willson’s points in his address to the students
           at the Second Term Service.
      May 11th: “All nature feels the renovating force of winter.” — Thomson.
             And Wynnum High School students take part in the opening matches
           of Q.S.S.S.S.A. winter sporting fixtures.
      May 20th: “Money, make money: by honest means if you can; if not, by
           any means make money.” — Horace.
             Miss Nixon decided she would make it by running a cake-stall which
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