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house tennis. Our stars of the court are D. Hargreaves ad S. Gordon.
           The boys’ hockey team smashed its way to a glorious victory in the
      inter-house competition. They suffered only one defeat, and that was at
      the hands of a combined houses team, the score being 2-1.
           Mitchell gained first place in the inter-house basketball competition.
      The Intermediate “A” team is the pride and joy of the House as it was
      the eighth grade team which took part in the inter-school competition. J.
      Lowther showed outstanding ability.
           Although Mitchell came fourth in the inter-house athletics, the girls
      gained the highest number of points in their section. This was mainly due
      to the superb effort of L. Tonkin who won the Under 16 Championship.
      Y. Beaumont and J. Lowther also added to the success of the team. Mitchell
      showed vast improvement in the ball games. The girls from the other teams
      stared goggle-eyed as Mitchell’s open ball games teams took first place
      in four out of five events. The boys had their fair share of success. G.
      Cordwell shared the Under 14 Championship. A. Travers won the Open 100
      yards championship and J. Bramley, A. Davis, N. Edser and L. Aberdeen
      took part in a number of events.
           In the cross-country our efforts were great but our reward small.
      As the old saying goes, “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak’’.
      Quite a few boys obtained places in the first 50.
           In closing, the house captains wish to offer their congratulations
      to the houses which were successful in the carnivals and offer their sincere
      thanks to all teachers who have helped to make this year so successful.

      HOUSE MISTRESS: Miss Lenihan.
      HOUSE MASTER: Mr. Doube.
      HOUSE CAPTAINS: Margaret Edwards, Ian Hastings.

           This year Oxley has dominated all major sports in the House Cham
      pionship Competition. At this stage we hold a comfortable lead and seem
      certain to complete the year as premier house.
           Oxley showed as a winning force in the Swimming Carnival early in
      the year. In the boys’ competition Oxley swept all others before them in
      a flurry of foam, with the unprecedented feat of securing all four Champion
      ships. Trev. Niebling, Jim Thallon, Peter Castleton and Joe Byrna donned
      their water wings to show the opposition a clean pair of webbed feet. Bell,
      Lockwood, Peterson, Preston, Buckley and Mount provided excellent support.
      The girls played their part, with Robyn Couser, Freda Foster, Dorothy
      Donald and Carol Bryning outstanding. When final points were posted,
      Oxley had triumphed by the huge margin of nearly 200 points.
           No Senior matches were played in house football this year, points
      being awarded on the basis of numbers of house members participating in
      inter-school competition. Providing 60 per cent, of all players in these
      teams. Oxley lead the other three houses. In the “A” team alone Oxley
      had seven representatives, with Trevor Niebling a QSSS representative.
           In the Athletics Meet, held just prior to the August vacation, Oxley
      continued its all round superiority with a comfortable win over Kennedy
      House. However, competition was keen right up to the last event. In the
      Boys’ Section, T. Niebling and L. Weston secured championships with fine
      performances, as did Barbara Turnbull in the Girls’ Events. Outstanding
      efforts were Darryl Woodforth's win over highly fancied opponents in the
      Open Mile, Trevor Niebling’s record breaking putt of 41 ft. 2 in., and L.
      Weston's clear cut wins in the Under 15 100 and 220 yards. Roger Sands
      showed good form in the distance events, while others to shine were J. Daley.
      I. Udourka and R. Mount. In the Girls’ Events, Marilyn Ferguson. Margo
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