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Martin, Teryl Joyce and Glenys Sands were impressive, while our under
      age ball games were a distinct improvement on last year.
           The cross-country followed soon after, and Oxley's prowess as swamp
      waders stood them in good stead, and with 20 places in the first 50 we came
      out clear winners. Impressive individual performances were recorded by
      Roger Sands (1st), D. Woodforth (3rd) and G. O’Brien (4th).
           Though house cricket has not yet been decided, Oxley appear sure
      winners, with eight members in the School First XI. In representative
      matches, lan Hastings knocked up 63 for Combined Secondary Schools
      against G.P.S. Trev. Niebling was also a member of the QSSS team.
           In Intermediate Girls’ basketball, the “B” team was undefeated
      throughout the year, though the “A” team did not meet with such success.
      In High School tennis and basketball. Oxley teams met with mixed success,
      though play generally was of a high standard.
           Debates provided an opportunity for the Senior Boys to demonstrate
      their loquacity to best advantage, in clinching a close victory over
           In successfully recording a “Grand Slam” of major events, all Oxley
      members must: afford thanks to the hard working officials. Miss Lenihan and
      Mr. Doube. and the vice-captains. Lindy Ingram and Brian Austin.

                        TUCK SHOP OPENS
            Your School Tuck Shop opened on 1st August, 1960, unfinished
         and unequipped with the necessary refrigeration and facilities to cope
         with smooth running, but, owing to the strong support of your
         teachers and your own patience and good faith in the Mothers' Club
         of the P. & C. Association, the ten days before the holidays was very
            The profits from the Tuck Shop will go to the P & C. Association
         for improvements to your School. As all labour is voluntary and with
         your continued support we estimate these to reach approximately
         £2,000 per year.
            Your Tuck Shop intends to sell all the necessary stationery you
         will require as well as (he lines already being sold and any sugges
         tions for increasing the range of stock would be welcomed.
            We plan an Official Opening to which all parents will be invited
         when the Tuck Shop is completed and fully equipped.

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