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ever getting the better of them. (Mr. Hazell’s comment, “the best pack of
     forwards he has ever seen in this school".)
           Our team was honoured by securing four representatives in the
     Queensland side, viz., Ricketts, Gallagher, Blaik and Berkery, with Ricketts
     getting the rare honour of being chosen as captain. While the tour was
     on for these lads, the team had Io survive some close games, retaining their
     unbeaten record and slowly building up the back-line. We secured Morgan
     and Anderson at the close of the eight stone competition and these proved
     valuable acquisitions to our backs.
           The Zone Premiership was clinched with a 5-0' victory over Cavendish
     Road in a torrid match, entitling us to enter the Grand Final against
     Industrial at Lang Park. This game was quite a tense one with the score
     nil all just a few minutes before full-time, when Ricketts took a long and
     difficult kick from wide out. put it over, to the roar of Wynnum supporters.
     and gave us a 2-0 victory.
           It is the proud boast of this side that at no time was their goal line
     crossed, most of the credit for this being due to our coach Mr. Thorne
     who did a fine job and whom we thank very sincerely.
           This victory brings the difficult nine stone Premiership to Wynnum
     for the first time.
           Results—Played, 11 games: won, 11 games: lost, 0 games; points for,
     179: points against, 2.

              Back Row (L. toR.): N. Wyeth, T. Murray. G. King,
                   J. Berkery, K. Nutley, I. Udowika.
              Centre Row: J. Heslewood, L. Ball, N. Gallagher, L.
                   Acworth, R. Sands. ,T. Anderson, K. Haidle.
              Front Row: Mr. Thorne (coach), F. Whatley, R.
                   Ricketts (capt.), W. Blaik. Mr. Hazell (manager).
              Sitting: E. Morgan, J. Maccoll.
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