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(M), R. Mount (O), P. Triplett (C) and B. Preston (M) who established
     new records in various events.
          Other boys who deserve special praise are those who tilled minor
     placings, swam in relays, and so on. as: David Farley (K), 1st 200 ms.
     medley, second backstroke and freestyle; Stuart McDonald (K), 3 seconds
     and a third; D. Byrne (O), champion under 15, 2 firsts and 1 second; also
     P. Castleton (O), champion under 14, 2 seconds and 2 thirds.
          On 24th and 25th March those pupils who again went to the Valley
     to compete or cheer had enjoyable outings.
          This year for the first time Wynnum High was host to its adopted
     country High, Roma. Roma and Wynnum have had much in common in the
     past, and, now, we hope to have them as our guests and antagonists for
     future Carnivals. Many thanks to those pupils who billeted our visitors.
          On 24th. our competitors fared well, many of them reaching the finals.
     On 25th—the Finals. This year was much the same as previous years.
     Twenty-four schools were in the competition, and spectators witnessed excel
     lent swimming in all events. Cavendish Road proved superior, with Mary
     borough Boys’ second. Our guests, Roma, came seventh, and Wynnum 13th.
     This is our best result for some years.
          Congratulations to T. Neibling (3rd) open backstroke; R. Ricketts
     (4th) under 16 backstroke, and L. Acworth (2nd) under 15 backstroke.
     Also, last, but very much, all those competitors who are willing to face
                        “fearful odds” for the honour of their school.

                        Girls’ Swimming on the up grade—

          Once again, our girls attended the Secondary Schools and Brockway
     Cup Swimming Carnival at the Valley Baths. Although the competitors
     put up a good fight, they failed to gain any points owing to extremely keen
     competition. However, we were often close behind in sixth place. In the
     ‘16 years and over’ section, Pam Clark featured greatly, while Bev. Clark
     and Robin Drevesen kept up the standard in the ‘13 years and under’ section.
     Our eighth-graders obtained fifth places in both their events and show
     promise for the future.
          The attendance at the Carnival was the highest yet, and perhaps
     this and the excellent behaviour of the girls will set it down as a record
     in the history of the School.
          This year, as usual, our School took part in the Q.S.S.S.A. Swimming
     Carnival. On this occasion the girls acquitted themselves well. We were a
     little more successful than last year, gaining three points to last year’s nil.
     Things are looking up, girls!
          Pam Clark made a splendid effort to gain fifth place, just ahead of
     the next competitor in the open butterfly. In an excellent performance
     our under 15 relay gained fourth place. Other competitors did well, gaining-
     14 out of a possible 17 places in the heats. We congratulate them all on
     a splendid effort.
          Our spectators also deserve the School’s congratulations. The general
     behaviour was excellent. The competitors and spectators alike displayed
     wonderful sportsmanship by heartily cheering the more successful schools.
          It is a pity that more girls did not avail themselves of a fresh
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