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visit of Bremer to the School, time after the game was given to eating and
   talking.  Following a reshuffle of zoning for G.P.S., Wynnum met two "new"
   opponents, St. Hilda’s and Brisbane State High School, but disappointingly
   missed playing the old rival. St. Peters.
        Other matches were played against, Clayfield College, St. Adrian’s and
   Commercial High.
        The A and B teams played a friendly game against Summerville
   House and two more friendly matches were played by the D and 8th Grade
   teams against Moreton Bay College and by the D and C teams against
   Southport State High.
        On the occasions when they lost, the A and B teams were usually
   but a few points short of victory, the B team in particular lost many of
   its matches by one point, drew some others and—(oh! rare occasion) won
   some. The C team had more success working well as a team, while the 1)
   team won several of its matches.
        A well-deserved full pocket was awarded to A team attack wing
   Captain Glenda Patterson for her work and skill in both capacities and a
   half pocket was gained by B team defence Robyn Harrison who had proved
   an excellent and reliable player.
        Congratulations go to these two girls; thanks go to the teachers,
   Miss Nixon and Miss Rohde, who gave so much time to training the teams:
   thanks go to the girls who gave up their Saturdays to help with the enter-
   taining and to the boys who gallantly pumped up balls, etc. A special word
   of thanks goes to Mr. Thompson who marked the courts and to Mr. Jennings
   who helped in his free time on Saturdays.
        Mitchell House won the inter-house competition played on Wednesday
   by the girls not in school teams.
        The year's basketball was concluded by a riotous if dubious match;
   Fifth Form v. The Teachers—which the teachers lost in spite of the
   strenuous efforts of their most determined player. Miss McClanachan.

                            Cross Country 1960 version

        "They're off!" and one startled boy made a grab for his pants.
        The Stoics surged forward, eager to impress the onlooking females.
   The students sprinted madly up Peel Street like would-be world record
   holders. The thought which must have passed through most spectators'
   minds was, "How can they keep up that pace for nearly four miles". Those
   who were privileged and able to see the course through, in limousines, know
   that many of the sprinters had started walking, once they were round the
   corner and out of sight.
        The athletes continued on Preston Road in the direction of Lota :
   soon they passed through a verdant shady lane which provided a reviver for
   most runners. The haunting beauty of the Lota mud Hats must have affected
   some boys because they ran like fugitives.
        Four school patrol cars were stationed at vantage points to intercept
   the runners who were over-eager to reach the finishing line; so keen were
   these boys to come first that they went to the extent of trying to shorten
   the course.
        As the boys pounded up towards the Manly State School, it was
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