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were totaled, Kennedy won by a small margin from Oxley, with Mitchell
   third and Cunningham fourth. It was interesting to anticipate how these
   results would compare with those of the house carnival to he held later in
   the year.
        The annual G.P.S. Athletics Carnival was held on 6th August at the
   Brisbane Cricket Grounds. This was one of the most important events of
   the athletics year, and besides this, we proudly looked forward to displaying
   our new banner for the first time. Weeks of training and practice for
   running and ball games had been spent by the girls prior to the day, and
   the keen competitive spirit which they displayed both at practice and the
   sports is highly commendable. In the championship events S. Cordwell
   obtained fourth and fifth places in the open, 75 and 100 yards and L. Tonkin
   obtained fifth place in the Under 16 100 yards event.
        The Under 15 ball games team won third place in the File Gap. It
   was good to see the interest shown by the girls of the School in their
   attendance as spectators at the carnival, and, even though the competitors
   were not as successful as hoped, they had a very enjoyable afternoon.
        On 9th August the Inter-House Athletics Carnival was held. This
   was the day for which everyone had waited to prove their worth for their
   houses, and for which they had practised and trained with keen spirit. The
   house spirit of the girls was displayed by the way they ran for their
   houses in the qualifying races, Mitchell obtaining the most points in this
   event. The championship events proved to be tense and exciting, and the
   goal throwing was also very close in all age groups. Congratulations to the
   Intermediates who practised so hard for the ball games and made a marvellous
   effort considering it was their first attempt. Kennedy won most of the
   Under 15 bail games, while Mitchell and Oxley shared first places in the
   open events. The final points were very close between the first two houses.
   Oxley winning, with Kennedy second, Mitchell third, and Cunningham fourth.
   It was surprising to find that when the girls’ points were taken separately,
   Mitchell won. Congratulations on the splendid effort! Champions of the
   day were: Open, H. Sands (Cunningham) : Under 16, L. Tonkin (Mitchell) ;
   Under 15, B. Turnbull (Oxley) ; Under 14, B. McQuillan (Kennedy). S.
   Cordwell received a special trophy donated by Mr. Jennings for the 75 yards
   open championship. Once again we had the pleasure of having with us
   Mr. W. Gunn, M.L.A., for the presentation of the cup to the winning house.
        We are all grateful for the many hours spent by Miss Nixon and her
   fellow staff-members in training us, and we hope that we will be able to
   show our appreciation to them by our performances in the forthcoming
   State Secondary School Sports Carnival to be held on 23rd and 24th Septem
   ber at the Exhibition Oval. This carnival will be the last event in the girls’
   athletics for 1960.

        On Wednesday, July 13th, Wynnum High School played host to
   Bremer High School, returning the privilege afforded to us the previous
   year. The arrangements provided for an afternoon’s sporting fixtures with
   refreshments to follow.
        The visitors were met at the gates and shown around the School. The
   fixtures which followed, in many cases, provided keen competition and one
   could not fail to notice the predominance of that spirit of friendly rivalry
   which makes events of this nature worthwhile. Teams -were fielded to plav
   hockey, tennis, football, Rugby League and basketball and. in all, approxi
   mately, 180 students were involved.
        Our rugby, soccer, hockey and basketball teams were defeated.
        Thanks must go to the organizers without whose patient efforts the
   afternoon could not have been arranged. The fact that these visits are
   going to be continued in subsequent years testifies to the success of these
   ambitious inter-school sporting ventures.
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