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Annual Camp

                         By CAPT. D. H. GRIFFITH
   1.   Four officers of Cadets, three Cadet Under-Officers and ninety-four
   other ranks attended the Annual Camp at GREENBANK from lOth-llth
   to 20th August, I960.
        This was the best attendance we have had at GREENBANK, but I
   must, nevertheless, express disappointment at the failure of a number of
   Cadets to enter. Some were able to furnish reasonable evidence of their
   inability to attend. Others, I feel, failed to honour their obligation of
   service, known by them, and accepted by them, before joining the Unit.
   These Cadets were responsible for a disservice to themselves, their Unit
   and their School.
   2.  UNIT AREA
        The Unit occupied the 1959 Camp site. I think that many advantages
   accrue from this plan as Officers, NCO’s and senior Cadets know the ground
   and much aimless wandering for orientation is avoided.
        LT. R. A. DOUBE and the Advance Party produced a well-planned
   area layout, with distinct Platoon lines ami "Q”, Mess-tent and Unit Head
   quarters suitably positioned. This was the best camp development achieved
   by an Advance Party.
        The main body marched into Camp on Thursday, 11th August.
   Settling in, issues, camp development and the medical inspection were
   arranged in priority: and under the direction of WOII TRAVERS, Unit
   Headquarters was established. NCO's and duty personnel went about their
   duties efficiently and by the evening of Day One the Unit was functioning
   as a Unit.
        The value of pre-camp planning was again demonstrated by the quick
   integration of Administration, Training and “Q”.
        Training for 1960 followed the same general pattern as laid down by
   the Battalion Commander in 1959. Second year personnel and specialists
   were detached for five days for (raining organised by Battalion. First year
   training was co-ordinated by the Battalion Training Officer, LT. M. J.
   McCORMACK ad conducted by Unit Training Officers.
        ( i) Second Year Infantry
           At the pre-camp Conference nee, this Unit was asked to provide a
           Section of second year Cadets to act as a demonstration section
           for a particular phase of minor tactics. SGT. NIEBLING plus nine
           Signal personnel were formed into a special section for the task.
           I was informed by the Warrant Officer in charge of the demon
           stations that the work of the section was outstanding and a credit
           to the Unit.
        (ii) Medical
           The Medical Section was detached for specialist Medical instruc
           tion. During stand-down hours our senior Medics were always
           welcome at the Regimental Aid Post where they assisted with
           routine RAP duties.
           This voluntary activity is typical of the spirit which has been
           most: manifest in our medical personnel throughout the years and
           I feel that it is due to the tine example and leadership of
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