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           SERGEANTS AMENT and NEWNHAM. These two NCO’s will
           be a great loss to the Unit.
     ' (iii) Intelligence
           Intelligence personnel under the leadership of CUO HASTINGS
           and SERGEANT HEATON attended a course conducted by Bat
           talion. HEATON topped the course and a number of our group
           filled the major class placings.
       (iv) First Year Training
           We were fortunate in having the services of LT. G. STUBBS, a
           CMF Officer and now a member of this Unit, for the training of
           our first years. As Unit camp Training Officer. MR. STUBBS
           was ably assisted by CUO’s EDSER and GARTSIDE. and in
           the "close" country adjacent to the lines, interesting lessons in
           fieldcraft were taught and practised. I am certain that first
           year Cadets found this work enlightening and stimulating.
        (v ) Training Generally
           The over-all training picture to my mind was highly satisfactory
           and 1 feel that the new scheme of training introduced by the
           Battalion Commander in 1959 has brought about a marked increase
           in efficiency. In early camps there was an un-ending struggle for
           training stores. This problem has seemingly disappeared and the
           allocation of Units to training areas, the careful allotment and
           control of stores and films by the Battalion Training Officer LT.
           M. J. McCORMACK. resulted in a completely smooth-functioning
           programme. I hope the pattern has now been set for future camps.
        In the 1959 camp Report I stated that the skill at arms in the Unit
   was only average and that our efforts should be directed towards an improvement.
    Results obtained at the Earl Roberts, Lord Chelmsford anti
   Inter-Services • Competitions in which our team won 3rd. 2nd and fist
   placings. leave no doubt as to what has been accomplished during the twelve
   M. McTAGGART and ELMS attended practices regularly for weeks prior
   to the Competitions with LT. STUBBS as supervisor and WOII ELWELL
   as Coach. Transport to and from Enoggera was made easy by MR.
   McDONALD who kindly made his car available. This is a tine example of
   what can be achieved by team work, enthusiasm and a little self-sacrifice.
          —UNIT “Q”
   6.   The idea of pre-camp issues is sound. Decentralization of “Q” is a
   time-saver and saves endless queueing of Cadets. Tentage and accommoda
   tion stores "on the ground" is also a time-saver.
        Unit “Q” functioned satisfactorily. It must be understood, however,
   that the CQMS and Storeman play a vital and highly responsible part in
   the Unit. In this camp far too much was left to the QM whose role is
   mainly supervisory. “Q” personnel should be carefully selected and trained
   for this important posting if proper performance of duty is to result.
        It was extremely gratifying to the Officers of Cadets to see so many
   parents present on Visitors’ Day.
        It is most heartening to know that most parents are becoming aware
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