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Orders, set the first movement of the action. The attack was well-timed
   and went in according  to plan with Section commanders in control of their
   Sections, to the completion of the mission.
        As in previous years the “enemy” attired to represent inhabitants
   from anywhere in Asia, died gracefully, by, and in numbers, to the accom
   paniment of blanks, thunderflashes and Aldershot grenades.
        In my opinion the Camp was again, completely worthwhile. Generally
   speaking, problems were solved at the lower levels which is a certain indi
   cation that leaders, particularly NCO’s, were quick to observe faults and
   capable of adjusting them. It is an indication that the Cadets too, were
   ready to accept guidance. This then, to my mind, is in complete conformity
   with the Cadet "idea” of correct initiative, skillful leadership and individual
   effort for the good of the team.

         As a result of their participation in the Beating the Retreat
     ceremony at Victoria Barracks on Friday, 2nd September, 1960,
     Wynnum Cadets were accorded a rare and much-prized honour in a
     subsequent letter sent by Major-General T. J. Daly. (’BE, DSO, to
     our Principal, Mr. F. B. Perry. We feel that the letter speaks for

                                       Victoria Barracks.
     Dear Mr. Perry,                          6th September, 1960
                   I would like you to know how impressed I was by
     the detachment of your Cadet Unit which attended the Beating of
     Retreat ceremony on Friday last. The turnout, bearing and marching
     of its members was of a standard I have seldom semi among School
     Cadets and reflected the greatest credit on their school and their
         I would be grateful if you would pass on my congratulations Io
     Captain Griffith and all members of your Unit.
                                     Yours sincere!v,
                                            (Signed) T. J. Daly.

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