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        No doubt when you read this you will be studying for your final
   examinations this year. We would like to wish you all the best of luck.
        For those of you who will be leaving school this year, the following
   is worth reading carefully.
        Have you thought about joining your Past Students’ Association when
   you leave school?
        This is your Association and it is up to you to join and take over
   the running of the Association.
        Most, of the present members are Past Students of two years standing
   and considerable disappoint meat was felt that our numbers were not swelled
   to hundreds this year.
        We have had forty active members this year and our activities have
   included the following:—
        (1)   Two National Fitness Camps at Christmas Creek.
        (2)   Assisting at the school fete.
        (3)   Mountain climbing including Mt. Harney, Mt. Lindsay, Mt.
            Crookneck, Wilson's Peak, etc.
        (4)   Barbeques with the Banyo and Salisbury Past Student Associa
        (5)   A boat trip to Amity Point.
        (6)   Squash Matches (‘very Monday night.
        And many other activities including our own and the Combined Past
   Students’ Association Meetings, where colour slides have been shown of
   Queensland and New Zealand.
        Expecting to see you next year.
                                              Bob Rose (President).

   P. & C. ASSOCIATION - -
        The Parents and Citizens Association have just completed another
   busy year.
        I would like recorded in this magazine our appreciation of the excellent
   work of the Ladies Auxiliary. Particularly their organization of stalls for
   the Fete and their establishment of the Tuck Shop. It is to be hoped that.
   in the coming year (more mothers will volunteer to help in this very
   worthy cause.
        During the year we were able to provide many extra amenities for
   the School. In the coming year we are looking forward to completing the
   following projects :—
        1. Dressing Rooms and Showers.
        2. Turf Basketball Courts.
        3.   Improvements to the Oval.
        On behalf of the Association, I wish to congratulate the School on
   the excellent passes in recent Junior and Senior public examinations. It
   reflects great credit on the Principal and Staff.
                                                     — J. W. Simpson.

   THE Magazine Staff sincerely thank the following firms who have generously
       decided to donate magazine pages instead of to utilise the space for
   advertising :—
        • WATSON'S PHARMACY, Bay Terrace, Wynnum
        • P. M. BENJAMIN. Chemist. Bay Terrace, Wynnum
        • MORRIS JONES. Chemist, Cambridge Parade, Manly
        • SPEE-DEE DRY CLEANERS, Cambridge Parade, Manly
        • CAMBRIDGE MOTORS, Cambridge Parade, Manly
        • G. J. COLES COY LTD.. Bay Terrace. Wvnnum
        • CRITCHLEY’S WYNNUM FRUIT MART. Bay Terrace, Wynnum
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