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FORM 2G - -
                        In Grammar subjects we excel,
                        In Mathematics, not so well.
                        Am! Social Studies are not the best.
                        But altogether. we meet the test.
                          Form Teacher: Mr. McGovern.
                   Form Captains: Christina Hindson, Larry Robert.
            Hi, there! This is Form 2G calling from room 2A. We are a very
       industrious (?) class, but our teacher, Mr. McGovern, rarely agrees with
       us. Our top boy is Paul Isaks, and the top of the weaker sex is (Christina
       Hindson. One of our girls. Veronica Webb, gained an A pass in the Mother-
       craft exam.
            We are well represented on the sporting fields with Larry Roberts,
       Norman Dunstan, Ronald Roberts and Ross Barr representing the School in
       the so far victorious 6 stone Rugby League Team. In the Tennis Teams
       we have Trevor Grant, an A Grade player. Our star hockey player is
       Robert Dunlop and on the cricket held we have Douglas Smith and Douglas
            We were also represented in the Girls' G.P.S. Swimming Carnival
       by Zanette Jensen and Lavina Houghton. All other class members pull their
       weight in the Inter-House Sports.
            There are two "foreigners" in our class. Carol Allard from England
       and Janys Walker from far across the sea—Dunwich. We welcome them to
            In signing off. we, the students of 2G, wish all examination candi
       dates success in their coming exams, and we hope the results exceed their
       highest expectations.

       FORM 2H - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Mahoney.
                   Form Captains: Helen Mackay, Malcolm Jowitt.
            We are well represented in the sporting field with Margaret Jardine,
       Marie McDonald and Marie Beckmann in the School Basketball Team. In
       the inter-class Volley Ball Competition, the girls came second, while in
       the recent ball games meet, they won the honours. At the G.P.S. Athletic
       Carnival Margaret Dunstan will represent the School as a member of the
       under 14 relay team.
            Helen Mackav had the second highest Mothercraft mark in the School
       (93%).  At the Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival Russel Mount swam in the
       under 15 years, 50 metres freestyle race. Robert Riley, Norman Barr,
       Malcolm Jowitt, Des Nolan and Brian Chantler played in the 6 stone Rugby
       League Team which won the Zone Final.
            Lewis Dare represented the School when played in the Hockey Team
       against Bremmer School while Paul Bahr and Stewart Meredith played in
       the Soccer Team.
            Our top boy is John Shillig.
            Our top girl is Janice Robertson.
            Form 2H wishes the best of luck for all those sitting for the forth
       coming examinations.
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