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FORM 3A3 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Gallwey.
                    Form Captains: Bill Bondfield, Steve Martin.
                     Forty-three brainy boys are we,
                      Come to room twelve and you will see.
                     That we are working intelligently.
                         Although, sometimes not willingly.
           Although the year is not yet finished, 3A3 has achieved much.
         Eighteen of us have played inter-school sport while no fewer than fourteen
      are in the Cadet unit and of them five are in the Cadet Pipe Band. One of
      our soccer players, Hugh Williams recently appeared on television with his
      band while Neil McWaters, our only golfer, appeared in the evening paper.
      3A3 has also achieved much in the academic field. The top and runner-up
      boys in the Scholarship examination, S. Martin and B. Bondfield are in our
      class. The inter-school rugby players are G. Vayro, I. Grant. R. Fulton,
      T. Ingham, J. Wiley, W. Poulton, R. Buckly and G. Truasheim, while the
      inter-school soccer players are L. Read, G. Hurren. R. Williams, H. Williams
      and I. Christie. Our tennis players are G. Blakey, P. Triplett and A. Simpson
      and our inter-school cricketers are I. Grant, T. Ingham, G. Vayro. J. Wiley
      and N. McWaters. Our School was represented by two swimmers, P. Castle
      ton and P. Triplett, while R. Lockwood, R. Chadwick and G. Chritchly rep
      resented their house. 3A3 also looks after Lex Nason who is only new to
      our School.

      FORM 3B1 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Schuntner.
                      Form Captains: K. M. Gahey, E. Topatig.
                         Unfortunately for us,
                         There’s been a lot of fuss
                         The teachers are all complaining
                         ’Bout the way we are behaving,
                                             But we’re not really bad
                         Perhaps some are a little mad
                         Out motto shows we like some fun
                         “No one’s too dumb for 3B1.”
           Our leading students are Gary Grant, Eddie Topatig land Ivan
           Although we are not all very good in our academic subjects we out
      shine most of the other classes in the industrial subjects.
           However, our best achievements have been in the sporting field.
           We have a very good form teacher, Mr. Schuntner, who teaches us
      English, so we all pass, of course. Miss Huxham and Mr. Weise did their
      utmost to teach our science lessons, Chemistry and Physics but I guess our
      skulls are thick.
           Those who indulge in sporting activities are:—I. Udowika, B. Mitchell,
      V. Supranowig. K. Caincross and G. Mahony who play inter-school Rugby
      League. G. Woodbine, B. Rowbotham. K. Unsworth, P. Casey and E.
      Topatig all play inter-house soccer. D. Woodforth won the Queensland
      Schoolboys Boxing title in his weight group, the School Tennis Champion
      ship and the Open Mile

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