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FORM 3A1 - -
                          Form Teacher: Miss Huxham.
            “Salvete amici!” (our Latin accomplishment for 1960, due to the fact
       that our Latin teacher spends his time digging up the Keperra golf course).
       Let us tell you how our teachers have become entangled in our threads of
       ignorance and lack of scholarly wisdom. (For further information see Miss
       Rhode. We have in fact, decided to dub in and buy her a letter box for
       her fan mail—impositions!)
            On the whole we are a JOLLY good crowd, very accomplished in the
       cultural arts. Perhaps this is due to the influence of our form teacher who
       is an off-spring from Hollywood and ably conducts the drama class on
            On Wednesday afternoons our animal spirits are liberated, as we
       invade the sports-field with as much enthusiasm as the fifth-formers show
       when entering our room for Junior French. (“For fools rush in where
       angels fear to tread"—too lightly). However we have a few sports—
            Tennis: Geraldine Thompson. Tony Potter, David Elson and Howard
            Swimming: Margaret Campbell and Barbara McQuillan.
            Athletes: Kathy Rice, Melody Sandison and Glenys Sands.
            Soccer: Renie Lauchlan, Trevor Brown and Allen Townsend.
            On closing, we would like to thank our teachers for their strenuous
       efforts on our behalf, and to wish them happy holidays in which to recover.

       FORM 3A2 - -
                         Form Teacher: Miss L. Lenihan.
                     Form Captains: Pat Yorke, Robert McCrae.
                   This class now doth like a garment wear
                   The horror of the morning, rowdy without care.
                   Girls, boys, chalk and dusters stand
                   Open unto the teacher and his hand.
            The select community which resides in Room 13 (unfortunately for
       us near the H.Q. of the School) is comprised of many fine human specimens.
       These include cat lovers, dog lovers, rock ’n roll lovers, and, of course, the
       everpresent male lovers.
            Our class is well represented in all forms of sport and the athletes
       include Barbra Turnbull. Rae Leatherbarrow, Heather Grainger, Teryl
       Joyce, Dagmara Rosiskis, Bev Clark, and Pat Yorke on the feminine side
       and the men have such outstanding characters as Russell Deighton, John
       Maccol, John Jocumsen. Eldon McCrae won the 880 yards and Hugh Davies
       was presented with a half pocket.
            Brains are no rarity in this form, but to quell all thoughts of boasting.
       you may know that the top boy and girl are Roger Cook and “8A Barbra”.
                '' '; jr.
            A sprinkling of cadets adds to the “A Plus” reputation of the class,
       and Noel Turner helps to provide the stirring music which guides our feet
       to the class room.
            Many thanks go to our teachers and best wishes (see we have no
       hard feelings) to all forms.

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