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                            Form Teacher: Mr. Lee.
                            Form Captain: Nick Ball.
            3B2 is a very studious class, we somehow manage to obtain an
      average of 50% in our examinations.
            Robert Griffin has been awarded a half pocket for being a member
      of the seven stone Rugby League team. The other players in this field of
      sport are: Ron Collins. Johnny Smith, Greg. Briel, Len. Wood, Stan
      Rabjohns, Graham Gash and Lee Western.
            3B2 is represented in the Cadets by Graham Gash, Robert Griffin,
      Doug. Barbe, and Don. Lewer who play the drums.
            Our tennis player is Brian Fereday who has played for our School.
            Our thanks go to all the teachers who have helped us pass our
      examinations, and our special thanks to Mr. Lee, our form master.

      FORM 3B3 - -
                         Form Teacher: Mr. Lendrum.
                      Form Captains: Ray Davison, Ian James.
            Most of the boys in our form. 3B3, have represented our School or
      our houses in various sports and athletics.
            Many of our Rugby League players have represented the School or
      houses and we are very proud of one person, Len Maffatt who has gained
      a half pocket for his outstanding performance in this game.
            The remaining boys have participated in various sports, such as
      cricket, soccer, athletics, tennis and swimming. In one sport, tennis, Glen
      Randall had the opportunity to represent the School.
            In the 1st term test Alf Draper topped our class and Jack Weddel
      came second. As it is well to be expected most of the boys have their minds
      set on Industrial careers.
            Our motto —
                     Who are, who are. who are we,
                     We are, we are somebody,
                     Where do we come from, what's our name,
                     3B3, the form of fame.

      FORM 3C1 - -
                           Form Teacher: Mr. Beaden.
                     Form Captains: Philip Pyle, Aurea Kruck.
                       This is the noblest class of them all;
                         All the others save only us,
                       Do what they do to annoy the teachers;
                         We only in general honest thought,
                       And common good to all,
                         Try to please the teachers.
                       Our class is gentle, and the elements stand up
                         And say to all the school “What a class!”
            This is form 3C1, known to us, but queried by our teachers, as the
      brainstorms of the School. Although our teachers seem to think we consist
      of 40 lifeless beings, we show good sporting ability. With J Roberts. T.
    Brown, J. Heron, A. Horton and A. Kruck in basketball, B. Cooper and
    Y. Edser in tennis, D. Young and R. Couser in hockey, and G. Paskin and
    W. Boroughs in football, we feel we all will be well represented in inter
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