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of football. Other sports have also benefited by the efforts of Alan (swim-
     ming), Munzur (cricket) and John (cricket and golf). And then we have
     Alan, Bob, Munzur and John, who have joined the Foreign Legion (Cadets),
     to get away from it all.
            We then come to that common lot referred to as “The Girls,” who
     spend so much time dividing their talents between various sports and
     following local football clubs, that there is little time left for work.
            Viewing the sporting field, we find ardent tennis fans among us,
    Marlene and Dianne being the most noticeable, but closely followed by
    Judy and Geraldine. Dawn, Yvonne and Seward represent inter-school
    basketball, while inter-house basketball is not lacking in representatives
    I when we have Elspeth, Jeanne, Jackie, Lynn and Elaine. Speech training
    is taken seriously by Carol and Doreen, who, in their efforts for betterment,
    I speak strange odes to tree and sky.
            And now. as time is limited, we leave you with the class motto—“Dead
       Men Tell No Tales.” and we sincerely thank the teachers for their endurance
       of our trying habits.

       FORM 4C2 - -
                        Form Teacher: Miss McCIanachan.
                     Form Captains: M. Barrow, M. Houghton.
            Our class consists of twenty-nine industrious girls who excel them
       selves in many ways. Margaret Houghton topped the form in the last
       examination, and Lynn Bews was a close second.
            We have among us last year’s under fifteen champion runner, Lyn
       Tonkin. While speaking of sport, it may be mentioned that our form has
       been represented in hockey, swimming, basketball and ball-games. Carol
          Bryning, Linda McQuillan and Dorothy Donald were honoured by being-
       chosen to swim for the School in the G.P.S. Swimming Carnival earlier this
       year. We also had girls representing the School in the G.P.S. Athletic
            Our table is decorated with a gay tablecloth, which brightens the
       room considerably.
            In conclusion, we would like to thank all our teachers who have tried
       to educate us and bring us up to the standard required of Junior students.
                   Thanks for teaching us the things we know,
                   Of how to type and how to sew,
                   And when the Junior results are due,
                   We'll show you that we’ll all pull through.

       FORM V - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. O’Mara.
                 Form Captains: Stuart McDonald, Jocelyn Fleming.
                          “Youth is full of pleasure.
                          Age is full of care.
                          Youth is full of sport,
                          Age’s breath is short.
                          Youth is nimble. Age is lame.”
            Besides filling up 12.5% of the allotted space these charming lines
       express the essentially dual nature of fifth form—class of infinite variety
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