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school fixtures.
         Although some results are not as high as they should be, it is not
    for the want of trying. We would like to congratulate A. Horton, B. Cooper
    and L. Duck on gaining such high percentages in the recent Maths. A
         As a final word, the students of 3C1 wish all candidates the best of
    success in the forthcoming examinations.
         We thank all our teachers for their help and regret that we have
    tried their patience and (vice-versa).

    FORM 3C2 - -
                           Form Teacher: Mrs. Taege.
                      Form Captains: J. Willmann, D. Harris.
         Introducing 3C2, the Nomadic group in the 3rd Form Commercials.
    We wander between rooms 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9.
         Although a small group, we are well represented in the field of sport.
    In basketball we have D. Goode (G.P.S.), B. Parlato, J. Stickley, M.
    Hamilton, R. McKelvie. D. Harris (A Grade), and P. Paint (B Grade)
    are 3C2’s footballers. In the Inter-House Swimming Carnival, C. Dale, M.
    Court, B. Parlato, K. Mick, D. Cohen, R. Drevesen. L. Cohen, R. McKelvie
    and D. Harris upheld the honour of the form. R. McKelvie, R. Drevesen,
    L.   Cohen and D. Cohen competed in the Queensland Amateur Life Saving
    Championships. Hockey representatives are R. McKelvie  R. Drevesen,
    M. Hamilton and K. Mick.
         We also have our Military side with G. Stewart and R. Curtis as
    members of the Cadet Unit.
         Congratulations to D. Harris and J. Stickley, top boy and top girl
         Miss Rohde. Mrs. Taege, Mr. Cox, Mr. Schuntner and Mr. Beaden
    look after (or try to) our intellectual advancement.
         In conclusion, we would like to wish all candidates every success
    in the forthcoming Junior and Senior Examinations.

      FORM 3C3 - -
                          Form Teacher: Miss Cafferky.
                   Form Captains: Barbara Curtis, Carolyn Taylor.
         Here is one of our many talents (some hidden)—delightful poetry.
                        3C3 as you shall see,
                        Excels in brains and energy.
                        In basketball and tennis,
                        In ball games as well,
                        We are the leaders.
         The teachers think we’re “swell” (?). Many of our girls show great
    promise both on the scholastic side and on the sports field. The girls who
    achieve success in the exams are Carolyn Taylor, Kay Edie and Merrilyn
    Podd. Now over to the energetic ones. Lyn Freeman, Chris Loder, Chris
    Mather and Dawn Clifford played with much enthusiasm in the house
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