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basketball teams, while Barbara Curtis represented 3C3 in the G.P.S.
    Mary Lye helped to make the School hockey team successful. Dianne
    Hastings and Carole Cooper show their skill on the tennis court. Marcia
    Murray and Ann Griffith run whilst Desley. Marian, and Dawn cheer
    loudly. The comedian of the class, Marie Heymer. keeps us alive with her
    music and songs but all declare she is a bit off beat. We welcome into room
    six a newcomer, Roselyn Roy and hopes she likes her new surroundings.
    Finally, we would like to thank the combined efforts of Mr. Beaden, Mr.
    Lee, Miss Lenihan, Miss Cafferky and the Domestic Science Teachers for
    all their help during the year.

    FORM 3C4 - -
                           Form Teacher: Miss Rohde.
               Form Captains: Lynette Madden, John Daley.
         This is our first year in High School and, for some of us. our first
    year at this School. Most of the children seem to be settling down well and
    are trying hard in examinations.
         3C4 is taking part in most of our sporting activities and we are
    well represented in G.P.S. sports and inter-house sports. One of our class.
    Noel Gallagher, was chosen to play for Queensland in football this year.
    Mr. Perry awarded him a pocket for this honour.
         At the beginning of the year, our form, the rest of the third forms,
    and the fifth form went to the City Hall to hear a concert. The greater
    percentage of our form take dancing as a cultural activity but we also
    have members in the other activities.
         The subjects we take are: English, History. Maths. A, Maths. B.
    Home Science B, Geography, Art. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typing.
    Our class is rather a mixture as some do Home Science B and Art while
    others do Maths. B and Geography. For these occasions we go to different
    rooms.  We would like to take this opportunity to wish the Juniors and
    Seniors luck in their examinations at the end of the year.

    FORM 3D - -
                          Form Teacher: Miss Huxman.
                         Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!
                         That will never do.
         Like the shelves in Mother Hubbard's cupboard our minds are blank
    in physiology when digestive juices are in the respiratory tract.
         We get into a sticky mess while trying to be experts at cooking.
         Being called a feather-brained lot makes us take to our nests and
    debate over that and our high honours given to us. A certain teacher declined
    the offer of a nutty toffee because of the high thoughts of his teeth.
         Although many birds shiver at the mention of sport, we come in tip-top
    condition and strive to gain our honours.
         Lois Jones, Dorothy Graham, Beverley Sharp and Eunice Robson
    indulge in basketball.
         The remaining pair congratulate us during class, when, with a flutter
    of teacher’s eyelashes we come immediately to attention. •
         A word of warning to teachers. Have a rest ! Come prepared after
    the holidays.
         The six domesticated birds wish you “Well to do!”
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