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and diverse contrasts. Scientifically classified the form members would be
      divided into two groups headed quantity and quality, or youth and age,
      which translates into respectively boys and girls. (The girls wear the green
      skirts; the boys carry combs.) The fifth form girls are endued with wisdom,
      stability and rheumatics. They are those who slave unceasingly at their
      tasks to the point of consummation or collapse—unlike the boys who engage
      in more earthly pursuits, e.g. football, etc.
           In fact in the field of sport they excel. Here follows—
      THE LIST:—
           Football—A Grade: Gerard Van Eyk. David Farley. C Grade (Prem
      iers): Alan Travers (Vice Cap).), Vitauts Klaikalietis, Roll Patterson,
      Rodney Ives. Leslie Cleugh, Tom Swann, Stuart McDonald. 9 stone ( Pre-
      iers) : Roger Sands.
           Basketball—John Lindley (Capt.), Peter Bond. Andus Kichno, Walter
      Morgan (also a shot putter).
           Swimming—Jim Thallon (under 16 champion). John Lindley, David
      Farley, Peter Driver.
           Tennis—Barry Myatt. Peter Driver, Jim Thallon.
           Golf. Hockey. Soccer, Athletics—Others too numerous to mention.
           Thankfully, some boys are interested in school work including new
      Australian, George Babkoff.
           Determined to become men some day fourteen out of twenty-seven
      boys are cadets and out of these, twelve are N.C.O’s. Although they would
      never admit it (men are so conceited), 5th form girls are proud of some
      5th form boys—their pride inflated somewhat by the boys' joyful willingness
      to blow up basketballs, mark courts, etc.
           Bowed down with responsibility, with duty, the girls can still bring
      themselves to join in such rough games as basketball and ball-games wherein
      they have proved on several memorable occasions that they can give as
      good as they get.
           Appropriately there follows —
      THE LIST (part II):—
           Basketball—Eunice Clarke. Robyn Harrison (half pocket). Jocelyn
      Fleming. Jennifer Whitney, Pam Hafner, Heather Sands, Dornel Wylie.
           Tennis—Phyllis Hargreaves, Christine Sims.
           Swimming—Heather Sands.
           Atheltics—Heather. Rob. Eunice. The girls are extremely musical.
      pianists including Pam, Heather. Jen, Ruth Phyllis. Christine and Rob.
           By a happy caprice of the examiners' Eunice, Jocelyn and Ross,
      gleaned 8 A's in Junior and ex-Clevelander John Kennedy gained 9 A's.
      END OF LIST.
           To those members of the School who are faced with a summer full
      of public exams, we say good luck—if it's not as bad as you thought it
      would be—it will be worse.

      FORM VI - -
                            FS—Favourite Saying.
      Lynn Aberdeen—FS : (inaudible).
         C: Thrive on French, German and English. Has occasional “flashes” of
             brilliance in Maths.
         A: To scandalise people.
        AC: Some of these notes.
      David Ament—FS : Have less to say I
         C: Has a brain like an unbalanced beam balance.
         A: To be a Minister for the Army. Amen(t).
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