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FORM 2I - -
                     2 i’s for me,
                     2 i’s for you,
                     There’s nothing that 2i can't do.
                        Form Teacher: Mr. Maccol.
         Form Captains: Mary Atkins, Greg Cordwell.
       Miss Tomkins was in charge of our form until July when she was
          transferred to Wynnum Central.
               Sport Representatives: Fred Feige is our debonair cricket player
    while our try-scoring footballers are Gilbert Forward and Ray Kermode.
         For swimming, the honours go to Pat Mahoney and Colleen Green.
         Future Wimbledon stars are Mary Atkins. Kay Drummond and Sandra
    Short, while the boys are represented by two dashing fellows, Barry Wright
  and Alan Hoare.
         Our sole basketball player is Colleen Green, and also in the class
    are some up and coming sprinters such as Barry Wright and Greg Cordwell.
         Top Boy—1st Term : Colin Richardson ; 2nd Term : Ashley McCullagh.
         Top Girl—1st Term: Kay Drummond: 2nd Term: Sandra Short.
         Our best (?) subjects are English and Social Studies about which we
    know very little.
         Our room. 4a, is the airiest in the School. Our best achievement (?) —
    a taped play of the extract "Dinner at the Inn,’’ from “David Copperfield"
    by Charles Dickens.
         We have three entries in the Shell Essay Competition and credit goes
    to Michael Van Veelen, Colin Richardson and Colleen Green. Also in this
    exalted form is a comical clown by the name of Clive (not of India).
         'Bve now.

    FORM 2J - -
                         Teacher: Mr. V. P. Milne.
              Form Captains: Sandra Jaillet, Geoffrey McLeary.
         Our congratulations go to Robert Jaffrey who took the first position
    in our class in recent examinations. Worthy of a note, too. is Linda Kichina
    who topped the girls. We wish to express our gratitude to the Home Science
  and Manual Training teachers for their patience.
         The representatives in sport for basketball are: Lyn Haidle, Penny
    Easton. Dawn Grimley, Pam Burnett and Glenys Carmichael.
         Earl Seymore, Robert Jaffrey. Ray Shoenauer and others represented
  us in house soccer.
         Graham Neveille, our vice form captain, represented Brisbane in
    rugby at Bundaberg. but although selected, was not able to play for Brisbane
  again, during the August vacation. Sandra Jaillet. Allan Cresswell and
  William Wharton represented us in swimming.
         Mr. Milne, like superman, sees the unguided missiles from room (5a
  with his X-ray vision. The wild natives from next door, occasionally, are
  beaten off by our hero. Outside the windows there is a dense tropical
    jungle, which is inhabited by ferocious animals—ants sparrows, lizards and
    butterflies. Our neighbours apparenly have the idea of burning out the
  jungle, as they store combustible material in the grass in their lunch hour.
         We, the students of 2J, take much pleasure in thanking our teacher,
  Mr, Milne, for his excellent teaching during the year, and we should like,
    also, to wish everyone success in the coming examinations.
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