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keters while G. Mathews, F. Beddal, K. Crowther, B. Fennel and A. Patterson
    are Soccer enthusiasts.
         Two new additions. B. Fennel an ‘up-and-coming’ athlete and C. Efde
   an English girl, are progressing favourably.
         Finally, we wish to thank Mr. .Johnston for his tuition and his
   amazing ability to put up with us.

   FORM 2E - -
                       School, school, school,
                       The teachers are so “cool”
                       At rock-an-roll we do excell
                       But we still don't know how to spell.
                          Teacher: Mr. McAllister.
              Form Captains: Ron Riggall, Georgina McCarroll
         This is Form 2E calling from their “quiet” residence of room 13a.
         Top of class: Bon Clark.
         Top marks for Mothercraft: G. McCarroll.
         Best Project Book: D. Tomkins.
         Our football enthusiasts are:—Rugby: G. Hillery, K. Martens,
   N. Brown. A. Nielsen, 1. Shapcott, R. Atkinson. Soccer: R. Clark (capt.),
   R. Riggall (capt.), R. Bell (v.-capt.), I. Nutley, B. Smith, R. Spirting,
   I. Peacock. In cricket, we have: R. Bell, I. Peacock, A. Nielsen, R. Clark
   and R. Riggall (capt.). We are represented in basketball by: C. Fraser.
   F. Atkins, F. Lake, J. Reinke, G. McCarroll and L. Scholfield, while 1).
   Tomkins plays tennis for the High School.
         Top in Domestic Science and Manual Training went to Georgina
   McCarroll and Ron Riggall.
         Our best wishes go to all students in the forthcoming examinations
   and our grateful thanks to Air. McAllister for being such a splendid teacher.

   FORM 2F - -
                         Form Teacher: Miss Cribb.
                  Form Captains: Lavina Hamlet, John Winson.
         Our class members participate in all sports but some are outstanding.
   Francis Cooper, Susan Christophers and Margaret Boone represented their
   houses in the championship events at the swimming carnival.
         The girls, Wendy Molyneux. Rhonda Holmes, Roslyn Davidson,
   Lynette Gibson, Susan Carmichael. Margaret Wilson and Lavina Hamlet
   formed a strong team in volley ball and Lawrence Macpherson was our
   representative from the boys.
         Peter Thompson is one of the many class participants in Soccer and
   Harry Haxton played against Salisbury, in t he game of basketball. Peter
   Railings provides tough opposition against all-comers in tennis. David
   Lovell, Bruce Midson and John Dyer represent our class in cricket.
         In other work we do our share for Susan Carmichael, Lynette Gibson
   and Janice Crampton were in the folk dancing for the fete. Roslyn Davidson,
   Wendy Molyneux, David Lovell and Paul Griffin are but four outstanding
   members of our class on the study side.
         we are working hard now and wish all students the best of luck in
   the examinations.
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