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FORM 2A - -
                         Form Teacher: Mr. Phillips.
                    Form Captains: June Lowther, Neil Sims.
              F orm 2A has the right trend,
              O n Mr. Phillips we depend;
              R iting, Studies, and Maths we abhor.
              M ost prefer sports, which we adore;
              2 pass our exams in November we’ve planned,
              A nd our teacher will give us a helping hand.
        Form 2A is the Champion Girls’ Volley Ball Form. Girls who have
   played prominent parts in the Interhouse and Interform sports are Carole
   Boss, Sonia Christie, Marilyn Cushway, Pearl Coleman, Shirley Wirth,
   Elizabeth Dowding, Faye Harding, Janice Pittam, Christine Maunders,
   Diane Wilkins, Helen Sands. Leonie Walsh, June Lowther, and Pam Rabe
   were in the Intermediate School Basket Ball team. June Lowther was also
   in the G.P.S. athletics. Pam Rabe was placed third in the Brisbane Eistedd
   for for piano playing.
        John Mackay and Colin Wight represented the School in the Beverley
   Barnes’ Cup Competition for swimming, while Eddie Mattinson and Michael
   Graham played for the School in the six stone Rugby League division, and
   after winning the District Premiership, went on to win the Metropolitan
   Premiership. Neil Sims represented the School in Soccer.
        Other boys in the form took part in House competitions in the follow
   ing sports: Softball, swimming, soccer, and cricket, and others are interested
   in tennis and hockey. Colin Boone is the fastest runner in the form.
        Form 2A wishes everyone the best of luck in the forthcoming

   FORM 2B - -
                         Form, Teacher: Mrs. Lacey.
                 Form Captains: Jeanette Johnson, Robert Lindley.
                    A brilliant lot, for sure we are,
                    In reading, writing and algebra,
                    But though our teacher rarely agrees,
                    For sure a mighty lot are 2B’s.
        Although Noel Sims leads the field in examinations, he is followed
   closely by Robert Lindley and Russel Chantler. He also comes out top in
   Manual Training.
        Our class is well represented in sport as we had Graeme Bell playing
   in the School Tennis Team while Danny Ward and Neville Barlet ran
   home with the trys in the 6st. Rugby League.
        Lorraine Wallis churned up the Valley Baths in the School Swimming
   Carnival, for the girls and Jeffrey Coulter, Phillip Holland and Robert
   Lindley represented the boys.
        Lorraine again, and Dianna Teske played School Basketball in the
   recent competition.
        Jeffrey Coulter and Harijs Rozukalns, also played inter-school Soccer
   against Bremer High School.
        Finally, we would like to thank our teacher for her untiring efforts
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