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side had seven players. Wynnum and Mitchelton each won three games and
   the last game was halved. The result, therefore, was a tie.
        A return match was played at Wynnum Golf Club. This time, each
   school had an A and a B team, with seven players in each team. Our A
   team lost a very close match, 4 games to 3. Our B team won well by 6
   games to 1. Randall Vines, our top player, scored a line 71 in winning
   his match. Randall is Queensland’s best schoolboy golfer and has an excel
   lent chance of winning the Australian Schoolboy Championship this year.
   David Ament has also played well to win both his games in the inter-school

                  Boys’ Basketball begins

        This year, for the first time, competitive men’s basketball was intro
   duced on Wednesday afternoons. Cunningham and Oxley Houses outshone
   the others in inter-house basketball. Cunningham remained unbeaten until
   vital team-members transferred their interests to golf and study. In our
   one inter-school encounter with Salisbury, the scores are best left unwritten.
   With as many chances of shooting for goal as Salisbury we lost through
   sheer inability to score.
        The team challenged the staff to a match after seeing 5th Form girls
   defeat the Lady Teachers. The male staff played wonderful basketball (but
   won’t the culprit who pinched the refeeree’s seeing-eye dog please return
   it in time for the next match?) They deserved to win 14-12 (considering
   they fielded a 6-man team. Mr. Gallwey’s outstanding prowess was note

   Girl Basketbailers are always
   at the top

        As far as wins went, Wynnum this year was largely
        As in previous years, the girls participated in inter-school competitions.
   Four High School teams graded A, B, C, and 1) played both State Secondary
   and G.P.S. matches against numerous schools.
        In S.S. competition the four teams played teams from Salisbury,
   Cavendish Road and Camp Hill: the B and C teams played against a new
   High School—Mt. Gravatt; the C and D teams played Yeronga.
        These matches, being played on Wednesday afternoons, left no time
   for the entertaining at afternoon tea—which was such a pleasant feature
   of G.P.S. competition. When a Cavendish Road game coincided with the
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