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water swim and training at Langlands Park. You can be assured it improved
     our swimming. Why not come along next year? We may be more successful as we cry. “Come on
     Wynnum, grey, green, grey”.
                                 Life Saving closely

                                      This  year  a  record  number  of  nine  schools
                                 entered the McWhirter
                                 Cup  Life  Saving  Competition  for  girls.  Our  School
     team consisted of: P.
     Clarke (captain), B. Clarke. R. Drevesen and B. McQuillan. They gained
     5th place, being just 2.85 points behind the first team. The small difference
     in points among the leading teams shows how keenly contested is this
     competition and our girls are to be congratulated on their good work.
     Special congratulations are due to P. Clarke who has now gained her
                          Distinction Award, being the first girl from this School to do so.

                          Boys’ Tennis a popular sport ----------------

          Time rings its changes, and for the first time for some years Wynnum
     A team of boys played through the series without a victory. The reasons
     for this may be placed on the superiority of our opponents and that all
     players in the A team were new to tennis in the inter-school competition.
          Despite this series of setbacks, we enjoyed the matches, gained much
     experience and hope that next year we shall give a better account of
     ourselves.The boys of the B team fared much better, winning four matches
     and losing four matches. Here again all players were new to High School
     competition and the quality of the players augurs for greater success in
          Beside the competition tennis, there are also those boys playing on
     the far flung courts from Wynnum North to Manly, on Wednesday after
     noons. Some eighty boys are playing and the difficulty of meeting their
     requirements in tennis courts is a real one. To the owners of courts, where
     the boys played, we express our deep appreciation of the privilege and hope
     that in 1961 more courts may become available.These boys represented the School in A and B
     grade fixtures: Larry Bolitho. Barry Myatt. Glen Randall, Graeme Bell, Ray Fletcher, Geoffrey
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