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Last year, several of our sporting teams made a most enjoyable visit
     to Bremer. Bremer returned the visit this year. The Bremer hoys really
     showed us how to play good hockey and both our teams were soundly
     beaten. However, our players deserve credit for the way they kept trying
     till the final whistle blew.
          Between inter-school matches, our House Competition continued.
     Mitchell became the champion house at hockey: Kennedy was second, and
     Cunningham third.
          David Ament was captain of the A team with Arthur Chantler vice
     captain. Bob Dunlop led the B team and Greg Newnham was vice-captain.
     Players who deserve special mention for very good play right through the
     season are Colin Ament, Arthur Chantler. David Ament, Warren Schweitzer

                  Soccer interest growing

     Richard Lawler. Bob Dunlop, and Louis Dare.
         Greater interest was shown in soccer this year owing to the com
   petition play between the respective houses. Each house has two teams
   “A” and “B” respectively to take part in the competition, and points are
   awarded for win, draw or loss. This competition has created a great deal
   of keenness and also is responsible for the improvement in standard of play.
         Throughout the season, other schools were competed against, namely.
   Mitchelton High and Salisbury High, and of the four games played, we were
   successful in three and drew in one; which indicated that in comparison,
   our ability rates favourably with other schools.
         Boys who attend soccer for the sports afternoon but who have not
   played soccer before are given the opportunity of playing in the minor
   grade of house competition. This enables them to learn the rules and funda
   mentals of the game.
         The sports committee has supplied us with four new soccer balls
   and in the near future will furnish us with singlets. Next year we hope
   to take part in the soccer competition fixtures for secondary schools and it
   seems assured that we will give creditable performances.

   Golf --------
         Last year some of the fifth and sixth form boys received golf tuition
   from Mr. McCarthy, the Wynnum Club professional. Unfortunately, Mr.
   McCarthy was away from Brisbane during the early part of the year and,
   at the end of the first term, it was considered unwise to continue golf as
   a Wednesday afternoon sport.
         However, several boys were keen to continue playing golf. Mr.
   Schuntner assisted by taking these boys for practice after school on Friday
   afternoons. Wynnum Golf Club has been most co-operative and the boys
   are very thankful to the professional for the use of clubs. As Mr. McCarthy
   has returned and the number of golfers is increasing rapidly, our School
   Golf Club now appears to have a bright future.
         The highlights of the golfing activities were two matches against
   Mitchelton State High School. In the first match, at Keperra Golf Club, each
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