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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 87

            Wedding bells rang for : Don Clegg and Marion Argent, Joan
        Graham, Beverley Deadman Anne Deadman, Margaret Ingram, Ron
        Thurecht. Anita Eizenbergs, Elizabeth Fry, Anne Maccoll, Janice Doyle,
        Carol Flanagan.
            On December 15, Geraldine Bradford will be married to Gordon
        Stuart. Both are Past Students.
            Births ; To Col. and Ida Slater a daughter, and to Grace and
        Cyril Mitchell a daughter.
            Ron Thurecht is practising dentistry now in Wynnum.
            We take this opportunity to wish staff and students a Merry

                              (Birth of a Sports Ground)
              In the beginning there was some land,
              Where things slithered and crawled and twined their roots,
              And it came to pass that a great building arose near it,
              The Wynnum School of learning.
              Then one day, the Head Teacher, noticing the pale scholars
              Pining for bodily exercise, issued a decree.
              And a huge clanking and noisesome monster came.
              And tore out the heart of the land.

              Afterwards there arrived a great Hock of flightless birds,
              Which devoured the very stones and bushes,
              So that the land was a dusty, barren plain.
              And the Great Sports were the next day.

              Again spake the Head Teacher, and there came,
              A Great red monster, which poured dust-settling water through
                  its trunk.
              Yet on the Great Day itself, in the morning, the pitying heavens,
              Poured down a torrent of unwelcome rain.

              And after the day of reckoning of points was passed.
              The Head Teacher said, “Let there be grass.”
              And there was grass, cultivated by the hands of the students.
              And the land became alive with green.

              And it shall come to pass that future scholars
              Will sport there, on that vast green Oval,
              And they will cheer from the great Grandstand,
              And all with one accord shall say ;

                                          FELICITY NAPIER, Form 3A1.
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