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Page 88                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
                         The Certificate Scheme
            It has been stated that the Anglo-Saxons do not like children—the
        best the child can expect is tolerance.
            With remarkable efficiency adults can castigate youth—their
        vocabulary of invective, of insult, of vituperation, of vilification is of
        enormous magnitude.
            When it comes to praise the spate of words is suddenly dried up.
        I would rather praise than blame, and I endeavour to be as verbose in
        the former as I could be in the latter. To me incentives are important—
        they are the leavening that renders the bread of success more palatable.
        All people require appreciation of effort and bewildered groping
        adolescents require it to maintain their faith in humanity. Some tangible
        recognition of effort fulfils a personal want in all people.
            The certificate scheme extends this recognition—this appreciation
        to more students than a scheme of prizes does.
            In Childers and Roma I found a certificate scheme initiated by
        your old Principal, Mr. E. W. C. Holdaway. We are introducing it here.
        All students who satisfy basic requirements in internal examinations
        receive a certificate showing the standard of achievement.
            The certificates are of three classes—Honour, Merit and Pass.
            High School Honours over 75 per cent, average and a pass in all
            High School Merit over 65 per cent, average and a pass in all
            High School Pass over 50 per cent, average and a failure in two
        subjects allowed.
            Intermediate Honours over 85 per cent, average.
            Intermediate Merit over 70 per cent, average.
            Intermediate Pass over 50 per cent, average.’
            As a record of the year's work in as many aspects as is practically
        possible w e print in the certificate all achievements, honours and ranks
        secured by the student in school activities and sport.

        'The Lord hath need of me, His soldier I will be.
        He gave Himself my life to win, and so I mean to follow Him
        And serve Him faithfully;
        So although the fight be fierce and long I’ll carry on.
        He makes me strong
        And then one day His face I’ll see, and oh, the joy when He says to me
        'Well done My brave Crusader.’ ”
            With this as their theme chorus the Crusaders have met every
        Tuesday lunch hour in order to sing and to hear the message from the
        Word of God given to us by our leader, Mrs. Robertson, to whom we are
        indeed grateful.
            During the past year we have very warmly welcomed guest
        speakers, namely, Doctor Wright, Miss Coad-Pryor, the travelling
        secretary of the Crusader Union of Queensland, and Miss Miller, the
        Crusader leader at Cavendish Road High School. On each occasion the
        girls and boys have responded well to their visits.
            Representatives from our school in a district group were successful
        in winning the girls’ cup at the Crusader Swimming Carnival held early
        in the year. Recently at the Crusader Athletic Carnival the Wynnum
        Crusaders were able to show their sporting ability and once more the
        girls’ cup adorns the Principal’s office.
                                                —BARBARA ARNOLD
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