P. 11

Orientation                    Events                          Re-orientation

                      •In this                        •The contents                  •In this section
                       Orientation, it                 of the text                    the author
                       tells who is                    that contains                  writes a
                       involved in the                 a series of                    closing text
                       story, what                     sequential                     which contains
                       happened,                       events                         conclusions,
                       where the                       experienced                    messages,
                       event                           by the author.                 impressions,
                       occurred, and                                                  or the
                       when the                                                       author's
                       event                                                          feelings for
                       occurred.                                                      the events
                                                                                      that are

                                                             FUN FACT
                                     Even though it has the same purpose as narrative text to

                                     entertain the reader, there are still differences, guys. In the
                                     recount text, there is no conflict told by the author. So, purely

                                     story related.

                                     There is always a story sequence. For example, like the example

                                     above, that is, there is the first day, the second day, and so on.

                   Language Future

                      1. Simple past tense

                                        Think Critically

                                        Why we should use this

                                        type of tense?

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