P. 7

2)  Do the questions in the ability check to measure the extent of

                              knowledge you already have.

                          3)  Pay attention to the work steps correctly to make it easier to

                              understand a work process.

                          4)  Understand each basic material and read carefully. Then do the

                              evaluation questions as a means of practice.

                          5)  To answer the formative test, try to give short, clear answers

                              and do it to the best of your ability.

                          6)  If there is an assignment, do it well.

                          7)  Also read and understand the assessment rubric so you can find

                              out the value you get.

                   4.  Learning Objective

                              The  expected goal  after  you study this module  is  that you  can

                       understand,  analyze  and  respond  to  the  meaning  contained  in  simple

                       short monologues accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact with

                       the surrounding environment in the form of recount text.

                   5.  Competence

                              The competencies that are expected after you study this module

                      are  adapting  and  identifying  various  information  in  a  short  functional

                      text in the form of recount, identifying the communicative purpose of

                      short functional text, and creating a short functional text in the form

                      of a recount.

                   6.  Ability Check

                       I.  Instruction

                           1)  Read the short story below!

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12