Page 32 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 32
10. Inauguration of Zonal Track Machine Depot at Cavalry Barracks Station by
Additional Member (Civil Engineering) / Railway Board on 20.02.2021.
Adhering to the instructions of Railway Board for transforming the conventional
maintenance of track into mechanized maintenance, HYB Division took a step forward in
creating ample infrastructure (ZTMD) at Cavalry Barracks for housing sophisticated track
machines like BCM, SBCM/FRM, Unimat, CSM, Duomatic, BRM, UTV, and DGS. Some of
the key features which got into making of this noteworthy asset are detailed as under
Shed/Depot housing two tracks of size 42mx20.5m is provided.
Service building has been provided for an area of about 700 Sq.m
A separate block has been provided which accommodates Rest rooms for Staff with Kitchen,
Dining and Toilet facilities
A block for storing heavy duty machines like cutter chains, cutter bars, BCM and FRM has
been provided for an area of about 315 Sq.m
For storing machine wise part as separate entity, 4 released rooms have been provided
abutting the main shed/Depot for ease of stacking the parts in the respective rooms.
An exclusive sub-station and with DG set backup of 160kva is provided for uninterrupted
The ZTMD @ CVB is designed to accommodate 4 machine and 4 coaches simultaneously.
Separate washing area (42 meters) is provided for cleaning of the machine before entering
into the depot.
This ZTMD is located nearby all industrial areas and local workshops which will reduce the
lead time for manufacturing of the machine spares.
IOH of the three divisions HYB division, NED division and SC divisions will be carried out at
The foundation stone for the project was laid during Nov, 2019.
NI working completed on 10.02.2021
The Project was stalled for a significant period of time owing to COVID-19 lockdown (3-4
months), and obtaining permission from Defence Organization, however with all these
constraints the project got completed within 11 months.