Page 41 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 41

ii. Land Scaping

            Land  scaping  is  maintained  in  the  residential  areas  of  Hqrs  area  under  departmental
            maintenance. The landscaping maintained in residential Bungalows and Roof garden of Rail
            Nilayam have been offered for 6  Garden festival 2020 held by Department of Horticulture,
            Govt of Telangana.

            The following prizes were bagged by Railways in the said competition.

                 Bungalow No: 99/SC             -       First Prize - Best Residential garden
                 Bungalow No: 99/SC             -       First Prize - Best kitchen garden
                 Rail Nilayam Garden            -       First Prize - Best Roof Garden
                 Bungalow No: 99/1/SLGD         -       First Prize - Best Residential garden
                 Bungalow No: 1006/SLGD         -       First Prize - Best Residential garden
                 Bungalow No: 302/SLGD          -       First Prize - Best Residential garden
                 Hyderabad Bhavan               -       First Prize - Best Lawn garden

            14. Expenditure control Measures

            Converting Expenditure into earnings:

                   Earlier the abandoned quarters used to be dismantled by Railways by spending the
            dismantling  cost  and  taking  the  released  scrap  materials  into  Railway  Account.  It  is  very
            difficult  for  disposal  of  scrap  materials  and  it  used  to  take  more  time.  Also,  the  revenue
            generated  by  auctioning  of  released  materials  is  very  meagre  as  they  used  to  get
            deteriorated during the course of time. Now auctioning is being carried out for the past 05
            years on „As is where is basis‟. During this financial year 2020-21, Hyderabad Division has
            generated Rs. 108.65 Lakhs as revenue by auctioning of above old abandoned structures.
            The dismantling cost of the above structures is Rs.145.78 Lakhs. Considering the saving in
            dismantling  cost,  effectively  Hyderabad  Division  has  generated  a  revenue  of  Rs.254.43
            lakhs  in  this  FY  2020-21.  This  is  the  highest  amount  generated  through  auctioning  of
            Abandoned Quarters in SC Railway and probably highest in Indian Railways.

                          Quarters/           Auction           Dismantling Cost (If        Total Earning
               Year                                           work is to be taken up
                          Structures          Amount              Departmentally)             (Achieved)
              2018-19         126          Rs 2,24,290/-           Rs 29,47,298/-           Rs 31,71,588/-
              2019-20         133          Rs 8,51,520/-           Rs 30,88,419/-           Rs 39,39,139/-
              2020-21         399        Rs 1,08,65,020/-         Rs 1,45,78,338/-         Rs 2,54,43,358/-

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