Page 45 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 45

Kacheguda Station

                 Commissioning of Lifts

            5 New lifts (STPD – 3 and BSX -2) commissioned and kept ready for operation.

            The lift details are as follows:

            Make                         : M/s. Jhonson Lifts Private Limited
            Passenger Capacity           : 13 Persons (Or 884Kgs)

                 5  Floor PCE/SC office at Railnilayam – A Block Right wing:

            PCE/SC office has been renovated with a provision of innovative ± 48V DC indoor lighting
            and energy efficient inverter ACs. This office has been inaugurated by Shri Gajanan Mallya,
            Hon‟ble General Manager, S. C. Railway on 19  Feb, 2020.

               a)  Indoor lighting:

            ±48V  DC  BUS  SYSTEM  from  M/s.Opto  electronics,  Howrah  has  been
            commissioned in the office of Principal Chief Engineer, V  Floor, A-Block at Rail Nilayam for
            indoor lighting.

                      Fig: Roof luminaries with ±48V DC                     Fig: SDB with HRC Fuses

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