Page 48 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 48
Electrical arrangements like lighting (4 Lights) and fans (4 Nos.) provided for center
for screening of COVID-19 patient i.e., at Sangh Office.
Lighting at screening center Fans at screening center
R.O Plants cum Touch free water dispensers Commissioned at CH/LGD.
6 Nos. of each 250 LPH R.O. Plants cum touch free water dispensers are commissioned at
Energy Conservation Measures over Hyderabad
3 Nos. of 500 LPD each solar water heaters are
provided for harnessing solar energy for
heating at 7 Battalion, Moula Ali.
40 HP Booster pump has been provided at KCG
station for quick watering for PF No. 1 & 2.