Page 53 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 53
9. Checking of Turnouts and Crossovers With 2030 mm pantograph:
As per the Headquarters Special drive No. 51 Dated: 05.11.2020, All the Turnouts and
Crossovers should be checked with 2030 mm pantograph free movement in view of recent
panto entanglements in other Divisions. Division has done Turnout and Crossover checking
by fixing the 2030 mm panto on tower cars. In HYB sub-division, all the stations and major
yards were checked with 2030 mm panto and defects were attended.
II. Special Works carried out in HYB division:
Staff were deputed for RVNL Railway Electrification works at FM – SHNR, GWD – RC &
UR – MBNR sections and Erection of masts and DA‟s at FM –UR, GWD-RC sections and for
SED checking.
Digitalization works:
Digitalization of TrD Assets in TDMS(Traction Distribution Management System):
TDMS is the web/mobile application Module Developed by CRIS. In which we can upload all
the asset data and maintenance register particulars for digitalization. Division has completed
100% digitalization by uploading the assets details from the depot in FEB 2021.
Scanning of files for implementation of e-office:
All the files in offices are scanned and diarization also completed for effective utilization of e-
office in HYB/TrD Department.