Page 57 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 57
5. Circuit alteration carried out for provision of overlap point release at KCG station
with time release of 60secs and at TMX, JCL, UKD, MZL,VDI, TMD & CVB stations
with time release of 120secs.
6. Approach Warning System for both Up and Dn directions in 07 mid-section
interlocked LC gates provided at LC 17JB, LC 164, LC 58, LC10, LC 60A, LC 61 &
LC 189A. All 38 mid-sections interlocked LC gates have been completed.
7. 46 nos of Starter indicators provided for 32 running lines where starters are not
visible to Guards at 19 stations.
8. In view of ROB/RUB works, existing 07 interlocked gates LC No.99/T, LC No.14, LC
No.15, LC No.232, LC No.224, LC No.245 & LC No.213/T closed.
9. Carried out signalling alterations in relay room and replaced operating panel in
connection with proposed Satellite Track Machine Depot at Cavalry barracks and
commissioned on 12.02.2021.