Page 52 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 52


                I.  Good works done by TRD/HYB during the year 2020-21 (Till 28.02.2021) :

              1.  Energisation of section : MED - MOB section energised with 25KV on 07.10.2020 by
                  closing  BM- 619 at MED/SSP and short circuit test conducted successfully. Trail run
                  conducted with Traction loco No 30605 between sectionMOB-MED.

              2.  All  the  staff  of  other  depts.  Viz.,  operating,  Engg.  and  S&T  are  being  counselled
                  regarding OHE electrification and operation of Isolators  in MED  - MOB section and
                  safe working procedures under OHE.

              3.  CRS/SCC  has accorded sanction for Enerzisation of  conventional OHE between
                  MED – MOB (No. R 12028/MOB-MED/20-21/SCC) on  25.11.2020.

              4.  Electric train with Traction Loco No. 39139run between MOB – KCG section on
                  16.12.2020 and no safety related issues were found and no infringements.

              5.  Provision of Sigma Boards ahead of STOP Signals:

                     To  assist  Loco  pilots  for  easily  identifying  the  STOP  signals  during  foggy  weather
            conditions, Division has taken up the work of provision of Retro reflective SIGMA boards,
            ahead  of  the  STOP  signals.  All  STOP  signals  are  provided  with  SIGMA  boards  between
            MED - MOB sections.

              6.  “Special Drives” attended by Division  :

                  All  Special drives has been conducted to improve reliability by Stagger Checking &
                  Jumper checking/Adjustment etc., done in sections SC – FM, SC – MJF -              MLY‟C &
                  MJF – MOB as per SED as per HQ instructions.

              7.  Checking of Implantations:

                   Implantations of all the structures are being checked periodically.

              8.  Check of Earthing of various Structures:
                   Earthling of OHE structures, platform shelters, Foot Over Bridges and Girder bridges
                   are being checked regularly and corrective action being taken immediately.

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