Page 46 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 46

b)  Air Conditioning:

            Energy efficient 5 star rated M/s.Bluestar and M/s.Toshiba make Air conditioners are commissioned
            with inverter ACs and Cassette AC units respectively.

                         Fig: Wall mounted indoor inverter AC units   Fig: Roof mounted indoor Cassette AC units

            Renovated IG chamber at RPFTC:

            Renovated  IG/RPFTC  Chamber  by  providing  08  Nos.  of  LED  2x2  down  lights  35W,  one
            cassette  AC  and  one  Inverter  type  Split  1.5TR  AC  unit  and  the  same  is  inaugurated  by
            GM/SCR and DG/RPF.

            Electrical arrangements for COVID-19 preparedness

            Electrical Arrangements at Isolation centers and Quarantine facilities:

            Hyderabad Division has created 12-bed Isolation center and 147 bed quarantine facilities.

            At Railway Junior College, Lallaguda:

            Electrical arrangements have been provided at quarantine center at Railway Junior College,
            Lallaguda with 87 bed capacity.

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