Page 46 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 46
b) Air Conditioning:
Energy efficient 5 star rated M/s.Bluestar and M/s.Toshiba make Air conditioners are commissioned
with inverter ACs and Cassette AC units respectively.
Fig: Wall mounted indoor inverter AC units Fig: Roof mounted indoor Cassette AC units
Renovated IG chamber at RPFTC:
Renovated IG/RPFTC Chamber by providing 08 Nos. of LED 2x2 down lights 35W, one
cassette AC and one Inverter type Split 1.5TR AC unit and the same is inaugurated by
Electrical arrangements for COVID-19 preparedness
Electrical Arrangements at Isolation centers and Quarantine facilities:
Hyderabad Division has created 12-bed Isolation center and 147 bed quarantine facilities.
At Railway Junior College, Lallaguda:
Electrical arrangements have been provided at quarantine center at Railway Junior College,
Lallaguda with 87 bed capacity.