Page 66 - GM Booklet 06.03.2021_Neat
P. 66



            Good work done BY Crew

                 Sri  Appanna  Tanni,  Loco  Pilot  Passenger/CCC/KCG  while  working  Tr.No.00761
                   Doodh  Durando  Ex:  DHNE-KCG  on  13.12.2020,  noticed  a  RMC  truck  stuck  up
                   between the track at Km.No.93/400-300 in JCL-GLY section. LP stopped train before
                   obstruction  and  cleared  the  section  after  clearing  obstruction.  Due  to  his  alertness
                   and dedication on duty, avoided possible mishap

                 Sri  Vishal  Kumar,  Loco  Pilot  Passenger/CCC/KCG  while  working  Parcel  Spl
                   Tr.No.00624 Ex: KCG-DHNE on date 12.12.2020 experienced Lurch at Km.No.128/8-
                   9 between MQN-DKC Stations. Stopped the train by application of emergency brakes
                   and noticed rail breakage and missing of Pandrol clips, same reported to SM/DKC.
                   Due to his alertness and dedication on duty, avoided possible mishap

                 10 sets of Goods crew has been given LR up to CHZ from MLY to avoid detention of
                   goods trains at MJF/CVB for want of Crew change. There by average speed of goods
                   train increase. Sofar 35 trips have completed.

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