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Dharma Thoughts

                                     Vijaya Samarawickrama is an accomplished Dharma educator,
                                     teacher, and author. He retired after 60 years of teaching in
                                     schools, colleges and universities. However, he continues to give
                                     Dharma talks throughout the country, participates in inter-faith
                                     dialogues, speaks at various international seminars, and writes
                                     for Buddhist books and journals.

           Gratitude:                                                          see-things-as-they-really-are. And
                                                                               before the mind can be trained, the
                                                                               body has to be disciplined. The reason
           A gateway to                                                        why many newcomers find Buddhism

                                                                               ‘too demanding’ is that they do not
                                                                               follow the sequence laid out by the
           happiness                                                           Buddha and want to see miraculous
                                                                               results almost immediately, by
                                                                               attempting the most difficult practices
           By Vijaya Samarawickrama                                            first. Putting the cart before the horse,

                                                                               so to speak.
           Some people think that they can find   future existence” (Egerton C Baptist,
           happiness by simply changing their   Nibbana or the Kingdom?).      The Buddha divided his Teaching
           allegiance to a religion. This is why   The first five monks he taught quickly   into two broad categories: mundane
           when they ‘become’ Buddhist they   grasped his meaning because they had   (lokiya) and transcendental
           expect immediate results and plunge   ‘little dust in their eyes’ as a result of   (lokottara). The former leads to a
           into meditation and vegetarianism and   training over many lifetimes. But the   sense of general well-being which acts
           run from one retreat to another only   Buddha knew that there were many   as the foundation for the creation of
           to find themselves more stressed and   others who had to take a longer route.   the conditions which are necessary to
           disillusioned. Finally, they declare that   For example, he did not talk about   eventually produce the highest level
           Buddhism is too unrealistic in its goals   meditation and Dependent Origination   of happiness which we call Nibbāna. It
           and give up.                      to women like Kisa Gotami or Patacara   was this two-pronged approach which
                                             or to laymen like Sigala or Dighajanu.   made it possible for human beings
           What they fail to realize is that the   Even when he addressed the gods, like   with vastly different levels of spiritual
           Buddha never promised instant     he did in the Mangala Sutta on what   and intellectual backgrounds to find
           enlightenment to anyone. He       brings the highest levels of well-being,   happiness in their daily lives. It is no
           repeatedly referred to his method as a   he started with the simple basics of   secret that people in countries with
           gradual path, comparing the Dharma   sensible behavior before proceeding to   Buddhist majorities are well known
           to the ocean which is shallow at the   the complex psychological issues.  for the levels of happiness they enjoy
           beach but which gets progressively                                  even though they might not have
           deeper as one goes forward. “The   The Buddha’s method of spiritual   a sophisticated knowledge of the
           Buddha does not expect everyone   training proceeds from the simple to   Teachings.
           immediately to follow the precepts   the complex. It is divided into three
           leading to Nibbana. He knows human   parts namely, Sīla, Samādhi and Paññā   Perhaps what distinguishes the
           nature too well. To those whom this   which translates as Virtue or physical   Buddha’s teaching from that of the
           Path does not appeal he makes it clear   discipline, Concentration or mental   Faith religions is that the Buddha
           that they can, by following the gentler   discipline, and Wisdom. The Buddha   declares that his Teaching is to be
           courses of action, at any rate prepare   is very clear that before one can attain   ‘self-realized, here and now, bringing
           themselves for the happier kinds of   wisdom, one must tame the mind to   good results, inviting investigation,
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