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Venerable Wei
Wu Named 2020
Khyentse Fellow
Ven. Wei Wu
life and career to preserve, promote, In expressing his gratitude for the
and uphold the buddhadharma. Past award, Ven. Wei Wu said, ‘I feel very
recipients of the fellowship include honored and humbled to receive this
Alak Zenkar Rinpoche (Tudeng fellowship from Khyentse Foundation. I
Nima Rinpoche), Prof. Peter Skilling, share this honor with the members of
Prof. Ven. Dhammajoti, John Canti Than Hsiang Temple/Foundation and
and Wulston Fletcher and Prof. Gao International Buddhist College. They
Ven. Wei Wu presenting an award to Mingdao. This year, we are very also rejoice in the great contribution
a graduating monk at the IBC annual pleased to award the fellowship to of Khyentse Foundation for the
Ven. Wei Wu. We are particularly promotion of buddhadharma.’
Khyentse Foundation and Dzongsar impressed and inspired by his work
Khyentse Rinpoche are pleased with the Than Hsiang Temple/ At a time when the entire world is
going through all kinds of health,
to honor Ven. Wei Wu as the 2020 Foundation in Malaysia and the
climate, economic, and political
Khyentse Fellow, the highest KF award International Buddhist College in
upheavals, we need bodhisattvas like
to an individual, in recognition of Thailand.
Venerable Wei Wu more than ever
his immeasurable and outstanding
As an expression of our gratitude for before. We take this opportunity to
contribution to the promotion
Ven. Wei Wu’s unceasing work and his officially acknowledge him for all
of Buddhadharma and Buddhist
dedication and devotion to preserving his hard work, and we pray for his
education over the past decades.
and promoting the Buddha’s teachings valuable efforts to continue and to
The Khyentse Fellowship was and their applications in the world, flourish for the benefit of all sentient
established in 2011 to recognize Khyentse Foundation offers him an beings.
individuals who have devoted their award of US$30,000.
Walking the
Bodhisattva Path
By Florence Koh
The connection between Ven. Wei to propagating buddhadharma in explained that although he founded
Wu and me actually started long Malaysia and beyond. I was most Than Hsiang Temple in 1985, he was
before I met him. It turned out that impressed by his nonsectarian not ordained until 1992 because
my dear late mother had mentored attitude toward Buddhism, which as a total quality management
Venerable as a young boy in Penang. very much resonates with the lineage consultant for Proctor & Gamble,
Only years after my mother’s and practice of my teacher, Dzongsar Hewlett-Packard, and other
passing, when I took on the path Khyentse Rinpoche. multinational companies, he felt that
of a Buddhist practitioner myself, to be responsible to his customers
did I come to know Venerable and In an interview marking the 25th year he had to train a reliable successor
see how much he has contributed of his ordination, Ven. Wei Wu before he could leave his lay career.