Page 65 - EH64
P. 65
Dharma Thoughts
to be experienced by the wise, each he gazed at the Bodhi tree for seven ascetics who had attended on him
for himself’. The Buddha strongly days without blinking to show his for six years. He also repaid his debt
discouraged specious arguments gratitude to it for providing him with of gratitude first to his father, to his
and metaphysical speculation on shade and shelter during his last days adopted mother and to Yasodhara
unverifiable claims like the creation as a Bodhisatta. Ever since, gratitude who had been his wife in numerous
of the world and so on. In a famous has been emphasized as an essential previous lives. He even spent an
parable he said that a man who wastes part of Buddhist practice for the entire rainy season in Tāvatiṃsa
his time on unprofitable speculations obvious benefits it brings. heaven to preach to his mother.
is like a person who has been shot Of course as the Buddha he was
by a poisoned arrow. He refuses to In one of the most popular of the above feeling any kind of mundane
allow the arrow to be removed until teachings the Buddha addressed to happiness as a result of his actions,
he has determined who shot the laypeople, the Mangala Sutta, the but we worldlings (putthujana) can
arrow, the archer’s ancestry and so on. Buddha enumerates 38 qualities feel a deep sense of well-being for
The immediate task is to remove the which a person must develop in order every manifestation of gratitude. This
arrow. Similarly, humanity is struck to enjoy ‘the highest blessing’ on a brings about positive states of mind
by the poisoned arrow of Greed, mundane level. Amongst these he which act as the basis on which the
Aversion and Delusion which is the mentions kataññutā which is made up higher levels of happiness are created.
source of all suffering. The task at of two words: When gratitude is practiced regularly
hand is to immediately remove the and from the heart it leads to a fuller,
cause and replace it with wisdom, Kata: what has been done richer, and more complete life.
love, and detachment. As soon as one Aññutā: knowing or recognizing
sees this one begins to have ‘right It is important to note that the first
understanding’ which sets him on So kataññutā means recognizing beneficiary of gratitude should be
the Noble Eightfold Path leading to what benefit has been done to one. oneself. We must constantly bear in
Nibbāna. This word is usually translated as mind that human birth is something
gratitude. Before one can feel a sense we have to be grateful for, no matter
An outstanding quality of the Teaching of gratitude one must recognize what the short comings. Added to
is that it can be practiced by anyone, that some beneficial action has been that we can appreciate the numerous
irrespective of age or spiritual performed. It therefore implies good fortunes that have come our
maturity. It is ehipassiko – inviting one that there is an appreciation of way—to be born in a suitable locality,
to experience the results which can be the action. Appreciation is defined to enjoy good health, to have a good
tested immediately. The Buddha once as the recognition of the positive family and so on. Even if we claim
told his adopted mother that one way quality of something or some action. that we have none of these things we
to test the validity of his teachings was But more than that kataññutā also can be grateful that we are born into
to see if it brings about a greater sense involves a sincere and strong desire the human plane where we come into
of peace and contentment. In this to reciprocate. So we can see that contact with the Buddha Dharma and
connection we can readily appreciate kataññutā involves much more than mould our lives in such a way that
how effective the four Brahma Vihāras is conveyed by the English word we can ensure an even better rebirth
are in bringing about happiness to ‘gratitude’. which will help us to gain the ultimate
those who choose to practice them. release from saṃsāra. All of this
Besides the gesture of gratitude can be enhanced by developing the
Gratitude is another virtue which can towards the bodhi tree the Buddha positive outlook which will make our
be practiced by anyone and which also demonstrated his appreciation efforts so much easier to bear.
produces beneficial results. It is said on several other occasions. He initially
that the very first lesson the Buddha wanted to thank the two teachers who In developing gratitude, we look out
taught after his Enlightenment was had instructed him while he was still for the good in ourselves and the good
given without him uttering a single a bodhisatta but upon learning that in others, the blessing of being born
word and in the absence of even one they had passed away only recently he human and the opportunities that
human being. It is said that in the decided to share the precious Dharma come our way. EH
second week after the Enlightenment which he had discovered with the five