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P. 12


           Faith in the Triple Gem

           By Venerable Ajahn Anan Akiñcano

           Venerable Ajahn Anan Akiñcano was born in       When we practise Dhamma, at times we may test out
           Saraburi, Central Thailand, on March 31, 1954.   ourselves dealing with sense objects. Like monks may go to
           Though he worked as an accountant, he was       practise Dhamma, putting up their umbrellas and mosquito
           increasingly drawn to Buddhist practice and     nets in the deep forest, or in a secluded place. And after
           began living at a nearby monastery. m work. The   meditating, they may have fear arise. The fear of things
           insight resulting from his practice eventually led   they can’t see. The fear that there will be things coming to
                                                           harm their mind and harm their body. Or some monks are
           him to enter the monastic order. On July 3, 1975,
                                                           scared and terrified of snakes, elephants and tigers, which
           he took full ordination under his preceptor and
                                                           just comes down to being scared of death. And when they
           teacher, the Venerable Ajahn Chah, and stayed   go to stay in places which have these types of dangers, they
           at Wat Nong Pah Pong, and associated branches,   are determined to practise Dhamma. They think of the
           developing a close relationship as Ajahn Chah's   kammaṭṭhāna, meditation objects, that the great teachers
           personal attendant.                             taught them to meditate on, and the Buddha said that if we
                                                           have fear and dread arise, then we should recollect him, the
           In 1984, Ajahn Anan founded a monastery known   Tathāgata. So may we think of the Buddha, and then we will
           as Wat Marp Jan, or “Monastery of the Moonlit   have rapture and bliss arise easily. The fear will diminish if
                                                           we are determined to meditate and have mindfulness with
           Mountain”. Over thirty years later, Ajahn Anan’s
                                                           the word such as ‘Buddho’.
           reputation as an accomplished meditation teacher
           has grown, along with the number of monks       If we have faith and confidence in the Triple Gem, that is
           coming to live under him. While his teachings   Budho, Dhammo, Sangho, then we will truly enter into the
           stress the fundamentals of day-to-day meditation   Triple Gem. And even being an unattained human being, we
           and mindfulness practice, Ajahn Anan is also    have to practise properly as well. When we have solidity in
           known for his ability to articulate the Buddhist   the Triple Gem without doubt and wavering, then we are
           path in terms that practitioners of varied      not put off by some of the Sangha members who don’t bring
           backgrounds can understand.  His instruction    up faith and confidence in us, because they aren’t included
           has attracted a large following of foreigners,   in the Triple Gem, as they are the conventional Sangha. So
                                                           the deep rooted faith we have in the Triple Gem, we should
           with monks from Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka
                                                           make it to be full in our hearts, because the Buddha was
           and elsewhere residing at Wat Marp Jan and its
                                                           one with the mind of purity and radiance. The Dhamma is
           branches. Today, Ajahn Anan attends to his duties   the teaching of the Buddha that he has taught well. There
           as abbot and teacher, looking after a growing   is no one who can dispute and argue against the Buddha’s
           number of branch monasteries in Thailand and    teachings. The Sangha that is included in the Triple Gem
           overseas, teaching visiting laity, and instructing   is the Ariya—Noble Sangha, those who have perfect and
           the monks who practice under his guidance.      complete faith and confidence in the Triple Gem. Ones who
                                                           are beyond worries and concern. The Buddha said that
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