Page 14 - EH65
P. 14


           So when we practise staying in the forest, or in the   I want to share with you a story of one family of five
           wilderness, there may be fear coming up. Then we   people, who got infected with Covid-19. The wife liked
           may think of the Buddha. The Buddha had trained    to go outside of the home, and no matter how much they
           himself already before becoming the Buddha. When   told her not to go out, she wouldn’t listen. Ultimately, she
           the Bodhisattva had fear come up, in whatever posture   got Covid-19 and spread it to the people in the home.
           he was in, he would stay in that posture. If he had   Later, this wife died in that house. The husband was also
           fear when he was walking, the Bodhisattva would not   infected, all the in-laws caught it as well. Many people
           stand, sit or lie down. He would walk until the fear   were infected by it. The ones remaining had to move to
           disappeared. If he had fear when he was standing, then   get treated in the hospital. It ended up that many people
           he would stand until the fear disappeared. If he had fear   did recover from it, only having minor flu symptoms, and
           when he was sitting, then he would sit until the fear   got better. But there was one person, one of the workers,
           disappeared. In the same way, when fear came up when   who was very good at his work and was skilled, he also
           he was lying down, then he would not sit, stand or walk.   recovered and went back home. That night, he bathed
           But would stay lying down until the fear disappeared.   and no one had noticed until the next morning, when
           So we can see the Buddha had trained and practised   they found him lying on the floor, dead in the bathroom.
           himself in the best way, and this sutta was given by the   He had slipped in the bathroom. So we can see that he
           Buddha when he was in Jetavana monastery, where the   had come back, recovered from Covid-19, but slipped
           Buddha retold when he was practising as a Bodhisattva   over in the bathroom and died for whatever reason,
           before becoming awakened. He stayed in the forest,   we don’t know. Maybe he had slipped, or maybe he had
           in the wilderness. And the Bodhisattva had his body,   taken a cold shower and made the illness come back up.
           speech and mind that was clean and pure. The raga,
           sensual craving, and the five hindrances that obstruct   So life is uncertain. They are infected with Covid-19,
           samadhi, concentration, was stilled and calmed. So the   they think they would die from it, but they can recover,
           Bodhisattva likely had no fear from staying in the forest.  yet slip in the bathroom and die. So being scared of
                                                              dying too much damages the mind. There is excessive
           What we people are afraid of most, is death. This is   stress on the mind and too much anxiety arises in
           because we have liking and pleasure in this world. We   the mind. This is not good. So may we establish our
           have pleasure in forms, sounds, odours, tastes, touches   mindfulness well. If we have fear coming up, then may
           and mental objects. So whoever has pleasure, be it a   we chant and meditate a lot. Establish our mindfulness
           monk or a lay person, then they will have fear come up   and contemplate that this is natural and normal in life.
           as normal, because they don’t want to be separated or   When we are born, we must have ageing, sickness and
           be parted from the things they love and possess. And   death. We know that it is like this, but this knowledge
           especially in this era, there is fear. It may not be the fear   hasn’t entered the mind deeply. This knowledge is still
           of tree spirits and deities like in the past, but it is fear of   just on the surface, on the outside, so we need to train
           the harmful virus infecting us, and we don’t even know   and develop our minds to have this supreme refuge,
           when it entered our bodies. No matter how careful they   the highest refuge. If we go for refuge in the jewel of
           are, there are still people who get infected with the virus,   the Buddha, the jewel of the Dhamma, the jewel of the
           Covid-19. And many people have lost their lives from it.   Sangha, we will be able to be free from all suffering. So
           So may we establish our mindfulness well. Firstly, it is   may you be determined to truly enter the Triple Gem in
           related to kamma. If we have the kamma, then how much   our meditation and in our Dhamma practice. May you
           ever we try to avoid it, we may still die from it.  all grow in blessings.  EH
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