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           gave me an offer but I chose Oxford   are more aware of this fact, a lot   It makes me richer in terms
           because they offered language     of the sufferings that we see today   of knowledge and spirituality.
           training, so that I could understand   would be avoidable. Whatever   Learning Buddhism has made me
           better the teachings of the Buddha.   your tradition is or whether you   a better and more compassionate
           I think language is the bridge    believe in a God or not, I think you   person. I have been applying
           between us and the truth.         should spend time learning what   Dharma in my life. It helps me to
                                             the Buddha taught because there   develop empathy and understand
           What key lessons did you learn    is value in it. It is something that I   better people’s suffering. I do not
           from the course or Buddhism as    cannot give to you, you have to go   get angry as easily as it used to be. I
           a whole?                          and see for yourself. I have certainly   am also humbler as a person.
                                             found it rewarding.
           The first lesson is shaped by                                       I really encourage everyone to learn
           my experiences as a Muslim        Thirdly, I have learnt to be brave   about Buddhism, especially the non-
           who studies Buddhism. I think     in challenging my ideas and       Buddhist as it will bring you new
           understanding each other is       assumptions. For example, there is   perspective. In fact, I have started to
           important in promoting peace.     no creator god or self in Buddhism,   think more about suffering.
           In southeast Asia, Buddhism and   which is something I could not
           Islam have co-existed for many    comprehend due to my ignorance.   In terms of your career, where do
           years. Yet, there was not a Muslim   We need to accept that there are   you see yourself in 5-10 years’
           scholar who studies Buddhism      uncertainties in life and there is not   time?
           and vice versa. I want to be the   always a definite answer.
           bridge between Buddhists and                                        I will be returning to Singapore
           Muslims. I really think there is a lot   How do you see Buddhism    and work as a public servant. I
           of misconceptions from both ends.   compared to the religion you    would like to serve the community.
           I am sure that what happened in   believe in and practise?          Buddhism is definitely going to
           Myanmar and Sri Lanka is not what                                   help because to be a good worker,
           the Buddha or Prophet Muhammad    I do not actively compare the     you need critical thinking and
           would have wanted. It is tragic and   two religions. There are many   there are comprehensive analytical
           I feel there are many similarities   differences in doctrines and   systems in Buddhism which teach
           between Islam and Buddhism        ideologies, but the underlying    about the analysis and examination
           that people do not want to talk   principles are similar. One of the   of the Dharma. I think it is very
           about or do not know. Muslims     common questions I get asked is   important for any kind of work that
           and Buddhists need to interact and   how I reconcile my faith and my   you have the ability to analyse and
           engage with each other in a more   study of Buddhism. I would not   understand root causes and how
           critical and sustained way.       answer this question because I do   phenomenon works. Buddhism is
                                             not like the term reconciliation   very transferrable. A lot of people
           Secondly, the concept of          because it gives the notion that   misunderstood that studying
           pratītyasamutpāda or dependent    there is a problem that I need to   Buddhism is just about learning
           origination is very fascinating to   fix. I do not think there is major   to meditate or shaving your head.
           me. Every cause has an effect, and   problem between Islam and      Either of us can die any time after
           every effect has a cause and this   Buddhism. In this case, comparing   this interview and what drives us
           matrix is infinite. I have been trying   is  not constructive.      forward should be about how have
           to apply that in social work. We are                                we made this world a better place.
           all connected to each other, and   How do you find the course       In this case, Buddhism has a lot to
           what we do also affect each other   relevant for your life?         offer, for example advocating the
           on a very fundamental level. If we                                  qualities of compassion.
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