Page 37 - EH65
P. 37
By chanting Amitabha Buddha’s name we can seek help save all sentient beings. Therefore, to generate
rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land due to his bodhicitta is also important for Pure Land practitioners.
great vow. This is very different from praying to God.
Cultivating the precepts is also important as it helps us
(Relevant video: Christianity vs Pure Land Buddhism reduce our karmic obstacles by making it easier for us to obtain a good rebirth. The law of karma explains that
those who perform good actions such as observing the
Besides chanting Amitabha’s name, does Pure precepts will experience favorable rebirths compared
Land Buddhism also teach us how to meditate to those who perform negative or bad actions. However,
since meditation is a core practice in all schools of even those who have committed the worst deeds can
Buddhism? obtain a favorable rebirth (perhaps of a lower grade), if
at the time of dying they sincerely repent their negative
Yes, Nianfo is the best form of meditation. Meditation actions and recite the name of Amitabha Buddha.
can help us to purify our mind so that we stay in the Nevertheless, it is still much easier for people who
present and not be disturbed by what happened in the practice good deeds to obtain good rebirth.
past or what may happen in the future. With meditation,
we will not be trapped by our illusions, but instead If one can generate bodhicitta and also observe the
activate our Buddha (awakened) nature. precepts, one can obtain a higher grade of rebirth. If one
observes the eight precepts even for just 24 hours, one
Through Nianfo, repeatedly reciting the name of can obtain the middle grade of favorable rebirth.
Amitabha Buddha (like a mantra), it will help us to
purify our thoughts, and transform them to the name of In Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, people also practice
Amitabha Buddha. When our thoughts are transformed, bowing to the Buddha and to repent for one’s karmic
our speech and actions will all be transformed. We will obstacles (through Nianfo). One can also study the Pure
then have a positive mental attitude. Nianfo can also Land sutras (5 sutras and one treatise) to deepen one’s
help us activate our own Buddha nature, as the very understanding in the Dharma.
name of Amitabha Buddha resonates with our Buddha
nature. Our true essence (Buddha nature/True Nature Since we create our own karma, can relying on
of the Mind) is indeed Infinite Light & Life (the meaning chanting Amitabha’s name help us to overcome
of Amitabha Buddha). our problems?
(Relevant video: Nianfo: the Easiest Meditation https:// Yes, the Pure Land Dharma is also called the “easy ) path” as we are really relying on the help of a great
enlightened being like Amitabha Buddha, due to
What other practices are important in Pure Land Amitabha Buddha’s great vows.
Buddhism that we should cultivate on a daily basis?
Pure Land is also called the “other power” method in
In Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, there is also an emphasis that we rely on Amitabha Buddha’s great vows to deliver
in observing the precepts and generating bodhicitta. us to the Pure Land as without Amitabha Buddha’s help,
it will not be possible. However, we also need to have a
Pure Land Dharma belongs to Mahayana Buddhism deep and sincere belief in Amitabha Buddha, and vow
- the Great Vehicle. As this is a bodhisattva path, one to seek rebirth in his Pure Land. Hence, Pure Land is
generates the heart for perfect enlightenment for the sometimes called the two-power method.
sake of all sentient beings. To attain rebirth in the Pure
Land is not an escape, but rather to help us realize Faith, vow, and practice (Nianfo) are the three criteria
Buddhahood so that we can be better equipped to that will guarantee us rebirth in the Pure Land.