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the eggs and then they disappear. they have grown up, they are still the happiness of other people, then
Even if you bring their mother near dependent on the kindness of other gradually you will find that everyone
the offspring, I doubt that these fellow human beings. becomes your enemy. Whether you
offspring will be able to respond or look right, left, look back or in front,
show any kind of love and affection As long as you have a human you will find that there is hardly
toward their parents, because companion, as long as you have anybody who likes you. And because
they lead an independent life right somebody who is looking after you, of leading such a negative life, at
from birth. This is maybe due to you feel much more at peace, much the time of your death everybody
their past life habits or due to their more relaxed, much more at home. might rejoice in the fact that now you
physical structure. In the case of the So therefore, it is important to lead a are going to die. You yourself might
offspring of the tortoise, because life where you do not harm anybody also start repenting by looking back
of their past life habits or their and where you try to help everybody and reflecting on the kind of life you
physical structure, they are able to as much as possible. If you have this have led. You might again feel very
look after themselves. When they sense of love, this sense of affection disappointed that because of your
hear the sound of the waves of the toward other sentient beings, in way of life, nobody is taking care of
ocean, they gradually move toward response you will be liked and loved you anymore. Therefore, it is clear
the ocean and are able to take by everybody, and at the time of that if you ignore these fundamental
care of themselves. The mothers death also you will have no anxiety, human values, it is hopeless to
obviously do not come to invite the no fear, no mental disturbance. expect genuine happiness or long-
offspring and teach them to swim lasting peace. And therefore, when
and so forth; these things are not However, when we grow you finally die, you will have nobody
there. So therefore, they lead an up, sometimes a kind of to look after you, nobody that
independent life, and there we do human intelligence strongly comes loves you, and you will leave this
not see much affection between the into the picture and sometimes world empty-handed, with a great
offspring and the parents. this human intelligence gives sense of emptiness, a great sense of
us empty hope. We learn new disappointment. Thus, such a way of
Now in the case of human beings, subjects, acquire new knowledge life, not caring about other sentient
because of our physical structure, through our human intelligence. beings, is really a foolish way of
right from our birth we are able With this kind of knowledge, we leading a life.
to show strong love and affection think sometimes, particularly
toward our parents, particularly in the case when you are very On the other hand, if you are
toward our mother. I’m highlighting successful you might think: “I can able to nurture and cherish these
these points not from the view of bully other people, I can exploit fundamental human values,
accepting a past and future life other people, because I have assisted by our great
or as a religious subject, but if this wonderful intelligence and human intelligence and wisdom,
you look carefully at how human knowledge, so in my case the then you will be able to develop this
beings survive and how human fundamental human values are human compassion to a limitless
beings develop, you will find that not important.” You get this kind extent. Leading your life in such a
it is for our survival that we are of sense of empty hope and, in this way is the way of the wise; it’s the
totally dependent on human values, way, you develop a different kind way to make your life meaningful.
human love and compassion. And of mental attitude and outlook, and
in the case of human children, right you do not hesitate in exploiting and Source: Graz, Austria, Kalachakra
from birth they are dependent bullying other people, as if through for World Peace, October 2002,
on the milk of the mother, then that way you were able to achieve slightly edited by Dr. Alexander
gradually, until they are able to look some benefit. Berzin EH
after themselves, they are again
totally dependent on the kindness of However in reality, if you lead such
their parents. And even after a life where you do not care about