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                                             Leading a

                                             Meaningful Life

                                             By His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama

                                             His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, was born on 6 July
                                             1935, and is the spiritual leader of Tibet. He is also a world famous
                                             Buddhist scholar and teacher, and author of numerous books on
                                             Buddhism. He was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1989 for his
                                             non-violent approach in solving the problem in Tibet with China.

           All sentient beings but, in particular,   and pleasures and remove some of   make countless divisions and,
           human beings, have the power to   our physical difficulties. But what   based on these, we develop many
           distinguish between happiness and   we derive from material facilities is   types of discursive thoughts and
           suffering, good and bad, what is   limited to the experience of the body.  misconceptions. Because of those,
           harmful and what is beneficial.                                     we sometimes have too many hopes
           Because of that ability to recognize   Unlike other species of animals,   and sometimes too much doubt.
           and differentiate between these   human beings have a tremendous
           different types of feelings, we are all   capacity to think, to calculate, to   Therefore, purely based on
           similar in wanting happiness and   judge and to make long-term plans.   human intelligence and conception,
           not wanting suffering.            Therefore, the pains and pleasures   we experience many types
                                             that we experience as human beings   of unhappiness. This is very
           Although here I cannot go into the   are also much stronger and much   clearly outlined in the famous text
           complexity of tracing the origin of   more powerful. Because of that,   called Four Hundred Verse Treatise by
           how these different types of feelings   it is possible that human beings   Aryadeva, where it says (II.8): “To
           develop, but what is obvious and   experience additional sufferings   those in privileged positions comes
           clear to all of us is that we do have   that are very much related to the   mental suffering, while to common
           this appreciation of happiness and   capacity of human thinking.    folks physical suffering arises.”
           disliking toward the experiences of                                 This means, those people who have
           pain and sufferings. Therefore, it is   For example, in the case of human   more power, more wealth, may
           extremely important to lead a life   beings, unlike animals, we are   not have much physical suffering,
           that brings harmony and peace and   not satisfied with achieving some   but they experience much more
           that doesn’t bring disturbance and   kind of temporary happiness and   mental suffering. Now in the case
           turmoil.                          being able to remove some kind    of ordinary people, they have more
                                             of temporary sufferings. That’s   physical suffering because of not
           When it comes to the question of   because, we human beings         being able to obtain enough clothing,
           achieving peace and happiness,    have the capacity to make long-   enough food and so forth. Thus it is
           it is wrong to think that all our   term planning and calculations, and   clear that human beings experience
           peace and happiness come just     therefore we also make divisions   much additional suffering because of
           from external material prosperity.   between ourselves and others.   the way we think.
           Through relying on material       Based on these divisions, we talk
           facilities, it is possible that we can   about different nations, different   As I said earlier, physical suffering
           enhance our physical happiness    races and different religions. We   can be minimized by gaining access
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