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           If we focus exclusively on pursuing   lifting our arms. Our mind is with   can help and support each other
           happiness, we may regard suffering   our lifting of our arms, and we don’t   in recognizing, embracing, and
           as something to be ignored or     think about the past or the future,   transforming suffering. With
           resisted. We think of it as something   because lifting our arms is what’s   mindfulness we are no longer
           that gets in the way of happiness.   happening in the present moment.  afraid of pain. We can even go
           But the art of happiness is also the                                further and make good use of
           art of knowing how to suffer well. If   To be mindful means to be aware.   suffering to generate the energy of
           we know how to use our suffering,   It’s the energy that knows what is   understanding and compassion that
           we can transform it and suffer much   happening in the present moment.   heals us and we can help others to
           less. Knowing how to suffer well is   Lifting our arms and knowing   heal and be happy as well.
           essential to realizing true happiness.  that we’re lifting our arms—that’s
                                                                               Generating Mindfulness
                                             mindfulness, mindfulness of our
           Healing Medicine                  action. When we breathe in and
                                                                               The way we start producing the
                                             we know we’re breathing in, that’s
           The main affliction of our modern                                   medicine of mindfulness is by
                                             mindfulness. When we make a
           civilization is that we don’t know                                  stopping and taking a conscious
                                             step and we know that the steps
           how to handle the suffering inside                                  breath, giving our complete
                                             are taking place, we are mindful
           us and we try to cover it up with                                   attention to our in-breath and our
                                             of the steps. Mindfulness is always
           all kinds of consumption. Retailers                                 out-breath. When we stop and take
                                             mindfulness of something. It’s the
           peddle a plethora of devices to help                                a breath in this way, we unite body
                                             energy that helps us be aware of
           us cover up the suffering inside. But                               and mind and come back home to
                                             what is happening right now and
           unless and until we’re able to face                                 ourselves. We feel our bodies more
                                             right here—in our body, in our
           our suffering, we can’t be present                                  fully. We are truly alive only when
                                             feelings, in our perceptions, and
           and available to life, and happiness                                the mind is with the body. The great
                                             around us.
           will continue to elude us.                                          news is that oneness of body and
                                                                               mind can be realized just by one
           There are many people who have       With mindfulness we are        in-breath. Maybe we have not been
           enormous suffering, and don’t know   no longer afraid of pain.      kind enough to our body for some
           how to handle it. For many people,   We can even go further and     time. Recognizing the tension, the
           it starts at a very young age. So    make good use of suffering     pain, the stress in our body, we can
           why don’t schools teach our young    to generate the energy         bathe it in our mindful awareness,
           people the way to manage suffering?   of understanding and          and that is the beginning of healing.
           If a student is very unhappy, he can’t   compassion that heals us
           concentrate and he can’t learn. The   and we can help others to     If we take care of the suffering inside
           suffering of each of us affects others.   heal and be happy as well.  us, we have more clarity, energy,
           The more we learn about the art                                     and strength to help address the
           of suffering well, the less suffering                               suffering of our loved ones, as well
           there will be in the world.       With mindfulness, you can         as the suffering in our community
                                             recognize the presence of the     and the world. If, however, we are
           Mindfulness is the best way to be   suffering in you and in the world.   preoccupied with the fear and
           with our suffering without being   And it’s with that same energy that   despair in us, we can’t help remove
           overwhelmed by it. Mindfulness is   you tenderly embrace the suffering.   the suffering of others. There is an
           the capacity to dwell in the present   By being aware of your in-breath   art to suffering well. If we know how
           moment, to know what’s happening   and out-breath you generate the   to take care of our suffering, we not
           in the here and now. For example,   energy of mindfulness, so you can   only suffer much, much less, we also
           when we’re lifting our two arms,   continue to cradle the suffering.   create more happiness around us
           we’re conscious of the fact that we’re   Practitioners of mindfulness   and in the world.
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