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           Benny: Can you share how you      Yes, absolutely rituals are still   it’s important to leave space for
           became interested in Buddhism     relevant in today’s world, especially   people to take up dharma practice
           and what attracted you the most   since so many people seem to have   whether they find teachings like
           in the beginning?                 forgotten what rituals are for and   reincarnation and karma plausible
                                             why they’re valuable. We actually   or not.
           Claire: Well, I was raised in a small   use a lot of rituals these days; we
           town in North Texas, so I wasn’t   just might not realize it! Graduation   But the second part of this answer
           really introduced to Buddhism     ceremonies are a powerful ritual   is that I’ve come to believe in
           until I went to Rice University in   marking a student’s transition from   reincarnation, based partly on
           Houston. It was my second year    the role of learner to someone    research done by a team of scientists
           of college when I signed up for   ready to find their place in society,   at the University of Virginia and
           a survey course on East Asian     for example.                      other research institutions. And now
           cultures, and one of the professors,                                that I can intellectually accept that
           Anne Klein, assigned us a Buddhist   If you harness the power of a ritual   idea, I see how much of Buddhist
           sutra to read – The Questions of King   intentionally, it can bring a shift   practice is actually oriented toward

           Milinda – and I was immediately   in the way you relate to the world   optimizing our karma for future
           hooked on the idea that when you   around you. For instance, one of my   lifetimes. Really, all of practice is
           look for a self, you can’t find it.   favorite Tibetan Buddhist rituals is   like an amazing next-life-hacking
                                             a fire offering, in which you imagine   technology!
           Buddhism just makes so much       the fire is a wrathful deity and you
           sense! Especially compared with   feed it all the negativity of the past   Without the idea of karma, not just
           the fundamentalist Christian      week or month or year. You’re using   in this lifetime but across lifetimes,
           church I was raised in. I find the   the world around you to remember   Buddhist ethics doesn’t really make
           teachings on meditation and other   that because of emptiness, negative   sense; the practice of dedicating
           forms of dharma practice very     energy can be transformed or      merit, for instance, doesn’t make
           practical and effective, and I think   released, and that’s something we   sense; even the idea of awakening
           the Buddhadharma offers a way to   definitely need these days.      (bodhi) isn’t accessible for most of
           improve my future lifetimes and                                     us if we only have one lifetime to
           eventually wake up and hopefully be   Many Western Buddhists have   wake up. So I do think – speaking for
           helpful to all living beings.     put aside teachings such as       myself here – that my understanding
                                             reincarnation and karma and       of the dharma has deepened

           What intrigued me the most about   only focus on meditation. Is     immensely after I came to fully
           Buddhism in the beginning was that   this a correct approach to     accept karma and reincarnation.
           instead of offering a set of beliefs   understanding the Buddha’s
           that I had to accept, it’s more about   teachings?                  How can the doctrine of
           beginning to notice the assumptions                                 reincarnation teach us about
           we have about the world and the   I’d like to give a two-part answer:   living well?
           ways those don’t match reality. It’s a   First, a lot of people (like me when
           path of more and deeper and better   I started practicing Buddhism)   The biggest difference reincarnation
           questioning, not a checklist of beliefs.  are skeptical about teachings like   makes to what it means to live well
                                             reincarnation and might have      is that a good life here and now also
           Rituals and ceremonies are        turned to the dharma in the first   needs to take past and future lives
           important in Tibetan Buddhism.    place in order to get away from   into consideration. If we’ve all lived
           Do you think they have any        the religious traditions we were   countless times, then everyone I’m
           relevance in today’s modern       born in that demand that you just   closely connected to in this lifetime
           world?                            believe their doctrines. So I think   has also been close to me in the past
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